Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/365

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From a man, set. twent3 r -eight, who had had cardiac symptoms for thirteen years ; also disease of the brain. (Hospital, 227, 142.) 1859. Dr. G. Ellis.

1728. Hypertrophy of both ventricles, without dilatation. Mi-

tral and aortal valves ossified, and otherwise much diseased. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1729. Extensive ossification of the mitral valves, with great

thickening of the left auricle. Left ventricle thin. Adhe- sion of two of the aortal valves. Tricuspid valve opaque, thickened, and contracted. Right auricle somewhat dilated and thickened. Eustachian valve remarkably developed. 1849. Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

1730. Thickening and opacity of the tricuspid valve, with such

contraction that it only admits the end of the finger. Right auricle much thickened and dilated. Mitral valves ossified and greatly diseased ; with the carious appearance about the cretaceous matter that is. not unfrequently seen. Aortal valves much diseased, but not ossified. 1850.

1731. Left auricle, distended and dried, to show an extensive cretaceous deposit upon the inner surface. The cavity, when recent, was very much dilated, the lining membrane opaque, and the calcareous plates were equal to from one to six lines in diameter ; the smallest of them only being covered by a delicate pellicle. There were universal, and old, but slight pericardial adhesions, dilatation and thick- ening of both ventricles, with much disease of the mit>ral, and some of the other valves, aorta, and pulmonary artery.

From a man, set. twenty-three, who died of gangrene of the lungs. From the age of seven years he had had severe attacks of rheumatism, and cardiac symptoms with the first. Dr. J. F. Jarvis found him, six weeks before death, with a pale and anxious countenance, hurried respi- ration, irregular, unequal, and occasionally intermittent pulse, and oedema of the extremities ; no decided pain about the heart, but something much worse. The region of the heart was prominent ; the impulse slow, labored and heaving ; with an occasional souffle toward the last ; and there were, also, the symptoms and signs of pulmonary disease. 1854. Dr. C. Ellis.

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