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BUdde, DATld gts Bladinun, John 135 Blackmore, sir Richard fi04 Blackmore, R. 710 Blackwall, Anthonf 638 Blackwell, Alexander Ssi ,070 Blackwood, Wm. 885, 886,

034,934 Bladeo, WUiiam 488 BladoD, Samuel 801 Blados, Antoniiu 320 Blaen, John Janson 4C7 Blaeu, Wm. Janson 307, 184,

467, 558 Blagden, H. W. 837, 870 Blagrave, Alexander 380 Bla^rave, Anthony 380 Blagrave, John 388 BlaciHve, sir John 386 Blair, Dr. Hu^h 663, 830, Vfi Blair, J . of Ardblaix 655 Blaire. Mr. 730 Blake, Mr. 730 Blake, Robert, admiral 536 Blakesley, Joseph 889 Blanchard, William 945 Blancbard, William 915 Blandford, marquis oi 846 Blaze, J. 571 Bleale, Blackwell 865 Blel, Frederick, 198 Blevls, Alazie de 79 Blew, James 605 Bliu, Mr. 730 BUtz, R. J. ben Isaac 556 Blount, Charlea 575 Blount, Edward 473 Blow, James 605 Blower, Ralph 437 458 Bljrth, Francis 914 Blythe, Robert 325 Boadcn, James 77S, 963 Boatc, Godfrey 623 Bocard, Andrew 303 Boccacio, John 7-1,98,134,461 Bocholt, Francis k 133 Boddingtou, Nicholas 730 Boden, <y Bowdcn, Thomas

775, 789, 795, 9«3 Bodenham, John 430 Bodeleigh, John 364 Bodington, Christopher 600 Bodley, sir Thomas 426,445,

454, 460 Bodoni, J. Baptist 851, 913 Boece, Hector 281 Boethius A. M. T. 8. 40 Bog, Adam 595 Bogard, John 333, s66 Bogardns, Jacobu-s 3og Bogislans XIII. duke of Po-

merania,400 Bohn, Mr. 639 Boboritz, Adam 365 Bohun, Edmund 687 Bolardo, Matteo Maria 28 Bold, Mr. 857

Boleyn, Anne, queen 357, 390 BoUnbroke, rcr. Roger 95 . BoUngbroke, (St. John) lord

983, 599, 603, 666, 683, 736 Holland, baron 943 BoUandns 179 BoUifant, Edmund 386 Bologne, Godfrey of 172 Bombcrg, Danl. 306, 307, 3I9 Bomgathem, Conrad 303 Bon, John l41 Bonacota, M. 500 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 814,

824, S53 Bond, Daniel 862 Bond, Mr. 635 Bond, Richard 830 Bond, Willliam 61I BoDdlnott, Ellas 905 Bondinus, Alexander 218 Bonbam, John 335 Bonham, William 335 Boniface, archbp. 43, 4i Bonlfacius, Daniel 440 Bonnel, Thornton 833

Bonner, Mr. 773

Bonner, bishop of London

266, 370, 280, 287, 347 Bonny, William 631 Bonnycastle, John 830 Bonsor, Joseph 941 Bonwicke. Henry 631 Bonwicke, J. 600 Bonwicke, R. 600, 021 Booker, Joseph 946 Boosey and Co. 795 Bootbroyd, Dr. Ben. 944, S45 Borardo, Mr. 98 Borchard, John 194 Borchard, Thomas 104 Borde, Andrew 301, 301 Borgiik. Ciesar 233 Borlanger, John 367 Borlase, Jane 386 Borman Nicholas 335, 330 Boronia, Antonius 99 Borough, William 369 Borquet Mr. 549 Bortbwick, sir John 339 Boticelli, Alessandro 131, 132 Bossam, John 317 Bossnet, Mr. 651 Boswell, sir Alex, 885, 863 Boswell, James 664, 679, 696,

733, 330 Boswell, sir James, 803 Boswill, Mr. 720 Boswnrth, Mr. 060 Bosworth, rev. J. 949 Bote), Henry 107 Botbam Mr. 600, 631 Bothwell, earl of 390 Bottcnhajn, Mr. 678 Bottonus, Bartholomew 163 Boucher, Joan 305 Bottchet, 6. 167 Bouchier, lord Berner 398 Boudon, James, 835 Houghton, Joan 313 Bourchier, Thomas, archbp.

of Canterbury l45 Bourges, John de 445 Bourne, Robert 413, 473 Bourne, Zachariah 551 Bouyer J. 167 BoTille, Cbarles 335 Bowdler, Thomas, F.R.S. 331 Bowen, John 427 Bowen Samuel 645 Bower, Archibald 667 Bowes, sir Martin 393 Bowes, Wm. mayor of York 87 Bowles, Mr. 6fl0 Bowles, Thomas 761 Bowling, James 850 Bowrey, Thomas 554 Bowyer, Joaas 600, 613 Bowyer, Peter 853 Bowyer, William, jun. 628,

649, 661, 667, 672, 714, 740,

741, 743. 799, 806 Bowyer, WUlam, sen. 600,

613, 620, 630, 600 Boxhornii 106 Boyd, Hugh 747, 780 Boydell, John 806, 819 Boydell, Messrs. 830, gl3, 953 Boydell, Peter 522 Boyer, Abel 594, 599 Boyle, hon. Robert 630, 643,

560, 673, 574 Boyle, Richard 417 Boyse, rev. John 456 Boyse, Samuel 663 Bradboorne, Robert 325 Bradcockc Richard 37I, 427 BraddyU, Mr. 692 Bradford. Andrew 023 Bradford, Thomas 769 Bradford. WUliam 567,575,640 Bradley, Job 798 Bradley, B. 638 Bradwardine, Thomas, abp.

of Canterbury 72, 73 Bradwooud, Melch 446 Bragg, Benjamin 7I9 Brahe, Peter, count 544

Bralio, Tycho 440 Brand, Marcos 170 Brande, Thomas 903 Brandis, Lncan 140, 158 Brandt, Sebastian Branston, Robert 885 Brasbrldge, Joseph 828 Brassicanos, Alexander 190 Breitbopf, Gottleib,Emanuel

736, 782 Bremenses, Ludoricu8 440 Bremner, David 8I1 Brescia, Doricns 303 Brescia, Ludovicas 303 Brescia, Valerius 303 Breton, Nicholas 449 Brett, Richard, O.D. 456 Bretton, William 310, 270 Breves,Francis Savary de 479 Brewer, George 8 17, 8^0 Brewer, Thomas 000, O95 Brcwman, D. 851 Brewster, Dr. David 483 Brewster. Edw. Jun. 50O, 0p2 Brewster, Edward, sen. 500 Brewster, Mrs 500 Brewster, Thomas 540 Briant, Alexander 371 Brice, Andrew 605. 739, 730,

731,806 Brice, Thomas 327 Bridge. Mr. 03i Bridgen, Edward 708 Bridges, Dr. John 402 Briggs, John 870 Bright, Mr. 000 Bright, Timothe 330 Brigbtley, Charles 857, 879 Brightrea, Mr. 045 Brigstock, John Lewis 929 Brindley, J. 040, 6S9, 829 Bristcad, John 813 Biistow, Richard 370 Bristow, William 834 Britaine, John, duke of 457 BriUand, N. 436 Brlttoo, John 848 Britton, Thomas 008 Broad, Mr. 820 Broadhead, George 325 Brocar, Amao Guillen dc 233 Brocario, Arnold 198 Brockett, J. TroUcr 8O7, 913 Brockhaus, Mr. 953 Brodie, Wm. Bird 922 Brome, Mr. 693 Brome, Joane 413 Brome, William 380 Broke, Robert 325 Brooke, H. 948 Brooke, James 680 Brooke. Mrs. Frances 690 Brooker, William 622 Brookes, Samuel 831 Brooks, E. 563 Brooks, Nathan 540 Broome, rev. Wm. LL.D. 67O Brotherton, Mr. 645 Brougham, H,Iord457, 813 Bronghton, Hugh 372, 436 Broughton, Rowland 350 Broune, Edward 325 Brown, Christopher 815, 896 Brown, George 791 Brown, Hugh 843 Brown, James 469, O17 Brown, John 427 Brown, Mr. 544, 530 Brown, Matthew 763 Brown, rev. John 774 Brown, rev. William 469 Brown, Richard, D.D. 662 Brown, Robert 373 Brown, sir Thomas 497 Brown, Thomas 808, 815, 871 Brown, Wm. 711, 785, 793,912 Browne, Daniel 600, 6'iO, ;q9 Browne, Joan 380, 413 Browne, John Henry 799,866 Browne, Mr. 600 Browne, Robert 805, 867, 013 Browne, William 380, 617

Brownrigg, Mrs. 831

Bmdencll, Moses 692

BrudencU, Mr. 692

Bruges, Mr. 633

Bmne, Robert of 81

Bmne, W. M. A. general 800

Brunning, Mynheer 650

Bruno, founder of the Car- thusians 53

Bninos, Jordanus 434

Brtms, J. P. 452

Bryan, Samuel 593

Bryce, Thomas 4lg

Brydges, sir Samuel Egerton 396, 518, 849, 805

Brylinger, Nicholas 469

Bryson, Martin 810

Bnccatello 71

Buccr, Martin 250, 311, 312,

322, 330

Buchan, Dr. William 003, 787 Buchanan, rev. C. 17, 21 Buchanan. Dr. Francis 22 Buchanan, George 340, 342,

475, 528 Buck, Thomas 479, 481, 484,

493, 513, 571

Buckenham, Dr. 233 Buckinck,Amold 122,104,730 Bnckingbam,James Silk 888

903, 908 932, 944 Bnckland, James 7O5 Bnckland, rev. Wm. 949 Buckles, Thomas 933 Buckley, Samuel 405,' v

031, 033, 000, 007 Budsns, William 377 Budd, Edward 839, 9 BndgeU, Eustace 051 Bugenbagen, John ' BuUceley, Stephen 4 Bull, John 450 BulleDgcr,HenryS22,33l,4lt Bnlloker, William 380 Bulman, John 208 Bnlmer, sir Fenwlck 914 Bolmer, Wm. 900, 907, fll

913, 913, 914,940, 943 Humpus, John 927 Bungay, friar 155 Bunyan, John 470, 570, 571, Buonarroti 121 Borbage, George ^28,831,930 Bnrby, Cuthbert 451, 485 Bnrde, William 355 Burdett, sir Francis 841 Burdou, Charles 813, 817 Burdon, John 813 Bure, William Francis de 749 Burgess, Henry 81 1, 834 Burgess, Francis 580 Burghers, Michael 635 Burgos, Andreas de 362 Burgos, Martin de 302 Burgundy, Chas. duke of 145 Burgundy, Philip, duke of l43 Burke,Edmund 704, 751, 705,

865, 920 Burkhardt, John Louis 452 Burks, Joseph 793 Burleigh, Frederick 608 Burn, Richard, D. D. 662 Burnet, Gilbert, bishop bf

Salisbury 609, 060 Burnet, rev. Gilbert 617 Bumey, Dr. 685 Burney, Miss 277,663 Biurns,Bobcrt 88,239,479,478 Buiragc, John 479 Burre, Walter 44 1 , . ' Burrcll, Thomas 557 '87 Burridge, Richard 6J 5 Burroughs, Mr. 720 Burtell, James 331 Burton, Bartholomew 433 Burton, Henry 438 Burton, Mr. 593, 63I [Burton, Robert 469, 470, 472 Burton, Thomas 834 [Burton, William 471 iBusbie, John 427 Busby, George 425 ' 6 F