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Busby, James e97 Batbr. John 483, 4(4 Basbjr, Oz)-mel 084 Bosbf, Thomas, LL.D. 810 Bate, earl 0/709, 710 Batler, Alban 44, 180 Butler, John Hi, 299 Butler, John 348 Butler, or Boteler, John 129 Butler, S. 600 Bailer, Samuel iSB, ssg, 803 Battanshaw, capt. R.N. 918 Batte, Rene La 679, 709 Batter, Mr. S93 Batter, Nathaniel 471, 47s, , 431, 482,486 Butterworth, Joseph 919 Butts, Richard b6i Bayer, Barttaol 140 ByddeU, John 360, 970, S87, Bye, Deodatua 799, 897 Bylton, Thomas 32s Byanemao, Heory 398, 381


Byrchensaw, Maurice 308 Byrne, Henry 840 Byron, Augusta Ada 889 Byron, captain John 88g Byron, George Gordon, lord ,889,890 Byron, John admiral 88g Byton, WilUam, lord 889 Cade, Jack 146 Cadell. Robert 90s, 939 Cadell, Thomas. ]uu. 949 Cadell, Thomas, sen. 719, 748, , 809, 806, 949 Cademan, William 948 Cadman, Thomas 380 Cadmus 3, 10 i. adwell, Thomas 349 Ciedman, monk of Whitby 43 Casar, Julius 29, 34, 39, 113 Csesarls, Pierre 140 Cahuse, Thomas 887 Calamy, rer. Edmund 931 Oaldecot, Thomas 800 Caldcr, Dr. 613 Caley, John, esq. 939 Caley, Robert 330 Caligala, emperor, 39 Calvai, M. 334 CklTln, James 499 Calrtn, John 369, 387, 31 1, , 838, 346 Camden, marquess of 933 Camden, Wm. 44, 397, 398, , 469, 474, 479 Cameraiios, Joaclilmas 430 Camoens, Louis de 387, 388 CampaniUbns G de Nova 170 Campanus, bishop of Croto- nai63 Campbell, Duncan 650 CampbeU, Dr. John 630, 687, . 699 Campbell, John 680 Campbell, Mr. 777 Campbell, Patrick 690 Campbell, Thomas 864, 949 Campeggio, cardinal >93 CampUn, Edmund, priest 371 Campion, Thomas 441 Camus, M. 986 Candole, Pyramos de 464 Candy, kiaiK of 33 Canne, Mr. 930 Canning, George 760, 797,801 , 884 CanDlng, George, Jan. 830 Canot, Mi. 773 Cansteln, Chas. Hildebrand baron de 696 Cantrel, William 638 Capell, Mr. 473, 716 Capcllanus, Johannes 86 Capello, Antony 97 Capgrare, John 1 13 Cappisger, Bdward 416 C^^ocUn, Gregory sI6 Car, earl of Somanet «60 Caractacus,klng of Brltalo SO Carall, Stephen 140 Carcano, Antonio de 134 Garden, Jerome 333 Carew, Mr. 494 Carey, David 817, 894 Carey, rev. Eustace 889, 187 Carey, Geo. Saville 710, 894 Carey, Henry 490. 894 Carey. Joseph 748 Carey. Dr. WUIiam 849, 887 Carez, Joseph 748 Carllle, Jane 879 CarlUe, Richard 671 Carmichael. rev. H. 881 Cainan, Thomas 734,7<4.763 Caroline, queen of England , 669 Caroline, queen of England

Carolostad, Andrew 314 Carpanus, Anthony,bishopof Terumo, 138 Carpe:;ter, Edward 735 Carpenter, rev. Ricliard 643 Carpi, Ugo da 121 Carr, Henry 410 Carr, sir John 833 Carr, rev. W. H. 889 Carractri, Jacobus 993 Carter, Elizabeth 879, 708 Carter, WUllam 367, 377 Cartwright, Dr. Thomas 399, , 368, 403 Caaa, John, de la 328 Casaubon, Isaac 439, 480 Case, John 314, 329, 386 Caslon, Heory 744 Caslon, Mrs. Henry 834 Canlon, Thomas 749 Caslon, Mrs, William 744 Caslon, William, I. 683, 714, ,744.392, 806,943 Caslon, William, II. 716,744 Caslon, WilUam, III. 744 Cassiodorus 92, 97 Castagnattai, signlor 36 Caatel, Stephen 169 Castell, Dr. Edmund 636 CasUe, Edward 600, 616 Caztlemalo, lady 946 Cat, Cristopher 666 Cataret, lord 639, 649 Cater, Theopbllns 616 Catesby, Robert 448 Catharine of Arragon, queen of England 196 Catharine I. empress of Ros- sU999 Cathcart, Robert 903 Catherwood, J. J. 836 Catherwood, Nathaniel 839 Cator, Edward 329 Caulfield, James 783 Cave, Edward 694, 636, 64S 844, 696, 697, 869, 688, day 890,808 Cave, Joseph 888, (90 Cave, Mary 779 Cave, William 8go Cawood, Gabriel 390 Cawood, John 318, 331, 385, 390,378,411,417,453 Cazton, William 83, 106, 130, 136, 138, 139, 841, 143, 143, 144, 18«, 147, 148, 161, 163, 163, 164, 166, 166, 167, I80, 181, 166, 167, 171, 173, 173. 177, 180, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, I93, 194, 196, 198, I97, 302, 203, 249, 347. 398, 299, 449,473, 879 Cay, Robert 1^ Ceasar, MartlD 190 Cecil. Robert, earl of Salla- bary 443. 449, 498 CecU, William, lord Burgh- ley 379, 388. 396, 443 Celller, KUzabeth 669 Calestlnns, 89 CsnnI, Fraads 183 Cwinliins, Bemaid 114 Ceoolnns, Domlntc 184 Cenninas, Peter 134 Centllvre, Susannah 606 CeoUrid. abbot 43 Cervantes, Michael 464 Cesaris, Arnold I67, 176 Cestrensis, Roger 171 Chaderton, Lawrence, D.D.

Chaim. R. Jacob ben 308 Chalcondylas. Demetrius 187


Challoner, Luke 412 Chalmers Alexander 813 938 Chalmers, David 938 Chalmers. James 674, 936 Chalmers, rev. James 9:i8 Chalmers, rev. Thomas 909 Chambers, Ephraim 669 Chambers, sir Robert 667 Chambers. W. and R. 769 . 923 Chandler, Dr. Samuel 8J3 Chapman, George 417, 487 Chapman, John 840 Chapone. Hester 977, 679 Chapot. Peter 279 Charde, Thomas 380, 389, 436 Charlemagne, emperor 44,49, . 47 99 Charles I. king of England . 188, 490, 476, 478, 47!l, 480,481, 494,499, 909, 910 Charles II. king of England , 911,623,939, 938, 943, , 966 Charles V. emperor of Ger- many 74. Is9, 19^, 334, 249, , 199, 184, 194, 307, 324

Charles V. king of France . 284 Charles VI. king of France . 131 . 284 Charles VII. king of France , 131 Charles VIII. king of France . 1I9, Ml Charles IX. king of France , 399 Charles IX. of Sweden 130 Charles X. king of France . 911 Charles the Bald, king of France 89. 44 Charles, Rev. T. 841 Charlewood, John 369, 887,

Charlotte, queen of Fjigland ,849 Charlton, JeA«y 447 Charlton, Richard 310 Charlton, sir Edward 88 Charnley, Emerson (78, 817,

Cbamler, William 747, 816 Chartler, Alaric 131 Chase. Mr. 747 ^ Chassamon, John 481 Chastel, Peter du 189, 194 ChatelalnSlO Cbanerls, Henry 366. 448 Ctaater, Mr. 396, 940 Chatterton, Thomas 663, 89 Chaucer, Geoftey 80. 81. 83, , 87,97, 309, 249, 292, 399, 324, 340, 393, 399, 384, 393, 394, 307, 324, 332, 843, 379, 446, 448 Chandlere, Ref^and 308 Cheetham, Humphry 918 Cheetham, James 776 Chelronias, J. 449 Cheke, sir John 338 Cherry, Andrew 846 Cherry, John 849 Chertsey. Andrew 339 Cbessman. Walter 310 Chester, Robert 441 ChetUe,463; Cberalon. Claude 833 Cbeyne, sir J<dui 384 CUcheley. Henry, aicbbp. of Canterbury 137 Chichester, sir AJtlinr 4S Child, Mr. 720 Childs, John 993 Cliilds, Robert 993 Cbistaolm William, bIslM9 of Brechin 210 Ctalswell John 998 ChiswcU. Margaret 998 Chiswell. Maty 969 CbisweU. Richard 551, 5pt,


Cbisweli Sarah 998 Cholmondly, Ralph, esq. 331 Chrichton George bisluv of Dunkcld, 338 ChrisHan III. of Denmark 31* Christian IV. of Denmsik , 493 Christian, Edward 816, 848 Christian, Gobrecht 8(6 Christie, James 738 Christie, Mr. 879 Christina of Pisa 169 Christina queen of Sweden, ,467,903,904,913 Chiistopher, 293 Chiistopher, Robert 871 Christopher, lilsfaop of Basil.

Church. Dr. 9'7 Churchill, Awnsham 5(1, (39,

Churchill, Charles 6(3, 834 Churchill. John 639 Churchill. William 615, (39. , 808 Churchyard, Thomas t63.M* Ciafoni 217 Cibber, Colley 309, 643, 701 Cicero, Marcus Julias n,Sl, , 99, 82 aacher, William 890 Claditu, emperor 3( Claris, James 899 Clark, Francis 819 Clark, John 633. 640 Clark, sir John, priest Ipt Clark, Richard 490 Clark. Thomas 600, (3* aarke, Mr. (01 Clarke, Dr. Adam 1, g^ H, (. I97. 80(, 45(, 04» Clarke, Charles 541 Clarke, Dr. B. D. 88«  Clarke, Hairy (15 Clarke, Hevson 04 Clarke, Isaac, (*0 Clarke. James 8M Clarke, John 963 Clarke. Mrs. Henry (IS Clarke, Mrs. Mary Ann 77* Clarke, rev. William (71 Clarke, Richard, D. D. 45a Clarke, Samuel 7ta Clarke. Walter 96S Claphaa. Henoch 435 Clavel. Bobeit 661, 6(1 Claver, Alice 308 Clayn, Henry 198 Claypole, Mrs, 91( Clayton, Mr. 611 Clayton, Robert, bishop of Clogher 708 Clayton, Thomas 333 Cleanthes, philosopher, M deave, Isaac 600, 730 Cleave, John 944 Cleland, John 763 Clemangis. archdeacon 73 aemeots,Heiiry 600. 615, CW Clements, John 877, 91s Clements R. (31, (3* Clennell, John 858 Clerc M. le, 974 Clere, Jean le 134 Clerk, John 837 Clerk, Robert 837 Clerk, Samuel D. D. (17 Clerke, Alexander 8S7 Clerke, Dr. 381 Digitized by Google