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Ctai1w,Jahn««i 'tt, Cteke, dr John igo Clem, Ann of S80, igS OUfM, Mary 831 ■3 CUObnt, Roawnond 197 ^t CUltoii.Mr. Sai, 633 Clifton, Nicholas SI5 ■) Clitoa.Joaa« m

r) Cijtk, tiM eoMa Ms

Clrmer, Oeorg* 888, 134 ^ , Clonmdl, earl of 853 Clowes, rer. John 937 Clowes, WtHlam mo ^ Chier, Mr. (bl ,.' Clncny, Peter de 58 . * Cobbett, WOUam, 777. 8ia, ,w 817, 839, BM, 878, 933, 938 ^ Cobham, Eleanor 95 ' * CoMum. lord (sir John Old- ., castle) ^88 '„'! Cobham, Thomaa, Ushop of Worcester 06 Oochraoe, Mr. 787. BSt CoekrU,Tbomas,sen. 710,789 Cocks, Mr. 731

  • Ooe, A. 498

Ccriiano, TUiiaato 441 Conan, Thomaa 030 Cohso,Mr.9S9 - < Cohen, Jacob ben NaiiOuai

Colcnard, M. de 719 ^ Coke, Dr. Thomaa 938 Coke, rer. R. 533 - Ooke, sir Bdward 1S7 Coke, T. W. earl of Leicester

Coke. Wniiam 870, 891 1 Colbnm, Renrj 931 Coldock, FTanda 41 1, 430 Cole, Dr. 334 Cole, Ftanda 499 Cole, Hnmphrey sOg Cole, Nathaniel 704 Cole, rer. Thomas 804 Cole, William, dean of Ua- coin, s84 ' I Coleman, Mr. 833 € ColetBlne, lord 340 Coleridn, 8. T. 798. 846. 803 I Colet^ J. dean of 8t Paol'a. 340,341 'Oligny, admiral 353 I 'oUoes, Simon 307, 301, 306 333 olladon,]adj(e D. 028 oilier, John Dyer 813 >Uler, Joseph 6I3, 619 llier, Joseph 775 dlinKboome, William 17O olllns. Freeman 038 Joliins, Isaac 733 1- Collins, John 353

Collins, Mr. Aog, 633

I Collins, Mr. 8IS Collins, Nathaniel 840, 850 Collins, Richard 459 Collins, Robert 293 Collins, Rnbcrt 759 Collins, William 663, 808 Colltnson, Mr. 465 Collyer, Joseph 613, 629 Collyer. John 014 Colman, George, the elder, , 849 Colman, Qeo. the yonnger,

Coin, Nicholas 386 CotoKne, John de 129,130,141 Colomiez, John James 185 Colonia, Henry de 170, 181, l»4 Colonia, John de 195 Coluraba. 47 Columbus, 331 Col Til, Samuel 559 Colwell, Thomas Colyn, Thomas 98 Comlnes, Philip de 1 ig Comlno. Joseph 015 Commelina, 307 Commenea, Alois 54 Camnodna, L. AanHns 37 Compton, sir William 340 Concaaen, Matthew 043, 643 Conde, D. J. A. 303 Condell. Mr. 473 Condy, Gaorge gos Congreve, sir Wm. 857, 886 Congrere^ William 000, 040 Conatable, Archibald47l , 604, 805,830,901,934,931 ConataUe, poet, 430 Conatantlne,emper. 31,38, 118 Constantine, George 335 Constantlne, Robert 161 Coostantlns, emperor S8 Contaiini, cardinal 338 Conway, Jamea 937 Conway, lord 545 Conybrare, John, Uabop of Bristol 700, 738 Conyers, George 600, 738 Cook, Edward 587 Cook, Mr, 773 Cook, Thomas 931 Cook, Toby 410 Cooke, sir Anthony 177, 383, 394, 395, S58 Cooke, George Frederic 648 Cooke, Henry33I, 335, 310 Cooke, John 836 Oookew niomaa 044 Cooke, William 497 Coombe, George 931 Coombe, William 649 Cooper, Anthony AsUey,eaH of Shafteshnry 003 Cooper, Joseph 833 Cooper, Joseph 903 Cooper, Mary 709 Cooper, Thomas, bishop of Wlncheater 837, 403 Cooper, Thomas 709 Cooper,Thomas,barrister,775 Cooper, William S5i Coote, John 834 Copeland, John 809 Copeland, Robert 310, 339, , IS9, 301, 303 Copeland, William 301, 315 Copemicos, Nicholas 387 Copley, John Singleton, lord LyndhoTst 933 Corbet, Rd. bp. Norwich, 491 Corbett, Latham 840 Corbett, sir Charles, 833 Come, Hui!li4io Comellle, Peter 661 Comeille, Thomas 603 Cornel, Richard 138 Cornelias, 103 Comeilins. Anthony 279 Cornisshe, Thomas, bishop of Tine 311 Comwallls, Thomas 579 Corrall, Mr. 804 Corsellis, Frederic 145, 148 Corvini, Matthew, king of Hungary 119, 189, igo Cosin, John, bishop of Dur- ham 556 Costa, Dominic 851 Cnstello. Hardrlan de, bishop of Bath and Wells, 215 Coster, Lawrence Zanteen 102, 103, 104, 100, lug, 113, 113, 114. 123 Co3ton, Simon 335 Cosyn, George 73 Cotes, Richard 518 Cotes. Thomas 474, 490,494 Cotisfaith, Hugh 325 Cotta, baron 952 Cotteral, James 566 Cotterell, Thomas 757 Cattle, Joseph ;83 Cotton, Or. Nathaniel 380 Cotton, Rev. John 5 19 Cotton, sir Robert Bruce,S58 , 483, 685 Cotton, Thomaa 044, 009 CooJtler, Peter L. 840 Corordale, MUea, Mshop of Bxetar 134, 180, 101, MB, 107, X00, 109, 345, 304, 300, 940 Cowdroy, Benjamin 8M Cowdroy, C. H. 654 Cowdroy, Thomaa 884 f Cowdroy, William, Jon. 885 Ctaw*. Haiysw Orowther, Jontthaa got Crowther, Mr. 708 Crudgcr, Caiper 393 Craden, Alexander 711^ TM Crntweli, James eOg Cnitwell, Richard 809 Cowdroy, William, aen. 854 Crux, Gasper de 301 Cowell, John 450 Cowley, Thomaa 840 Cowley, Abraham 451, 843 Cowley, Hannah 670 Cowper, Messrs. B. and E. . 867, 885 Cowper, Wm. 101, 748, 803,880 Cox and Brlggs, Messrs. 737 Cox, John 7V. Cox, Leonard 150 Cox, Mr. 045 Cox, Richard, bishop 304 Cox, Thomas 084 Cox. Walter 641 Coxa, archdeacon 38, 109, 450 Coy, William 840 Crabbe, rer, Geoi^ 710, 805,

Crachertxle, Mordaunt 433 Ciacberode, rer. C. M. 433 Crackenthorpe, Dr. 450 Cradock, Anne 900 Craggi, Mr. secretary 030 Craig, Malcolm 840, 962 Craighton, Mr. 809 Craill05l Crakelt, 830 Cramolsy, 107 Craomer, Thomas, archbp. of Canterbury 177, 360, 365, igO, 3g7, 304, 305, 333, 334,

Crantx, Martin 131 Crasiielet, 844 Cratander, Andreas loO Cranden,John,prior of Ely,08 Crawley, Esther 71s Creech, William 858. 87O, g2l Creed, Thomas, 445, 44g Cresswell, Samuel 703, 731, CrestonI, Joannes 318 Cictensis, Demetrins 15g Crewe, sir Thomaa 204 Crickett, John 843 Crighton, James, admirable, g0 Crispin, John 348 Croall, George 947 Croft, Thomas, 833 Croiser, WiUiam 138 Crokat, James 607 Croke, Adam 335 Cromer, Matthew 27O Cromwell, earl of Essex, 89, , 264, 305, 366, 269, 270, , 280 Cromwell, Henry 526, 527 Cromwell, Ollrer 449,508,510, , 522, 523, iU, 525, 526 Cromwell, Richard 526 Croo, Robert 92 Crooke, Andrew 524 Crooke, John 6l3 Crooke, Mary 553 Crooksbanks, rev. James 588 Croom. George 563, 571, 586 Croom, Mrs. 621 Crompton, Benjamin 933 Cropp, Thomas 916 Ciosby, Brass, lord mayor of London 735 Crose. J. la 574 Crosse, RIcbsrd 325 Crossgrove, Henry 636 Crotte, Anthony 325 Crouch, Nathaniel 720 Crouch, Samuel 557, 000, 720 Crouse, John 793 Crowder, SUniey 787, 791 Crowder, James Peshlier 915 Crowder. John 721, 914, 943 Crowder, Mrs. gi5 Crowley, Robert yg7,3l3.*15, g5, 3g7. 396 Cnflh. Henry 440 Cnllen. Dr. William 771 Cnmberland.Rlcbaid 7M> 818 Cnmmlng, Thomaa 781 Cnnio, the two, 04, 05, 00, 1 1* Cnnnlngham, Allan 841 Cnnyngham, William 309 CnrU, Edmnnd 000, 035, 077, ,713 CurlL Henry 077 Currle, Dr. James 788 Cniry, William Jnn. 904 Curson, Thomaa, monk of Bastacre, 353 Curtis, Jane 55g, 571 Cortls, Langley 503 Curtis, Mr. 805 Curtis, Mrs. 621 Curtis, Thomas 850 Cuthbert, William 604, OgO Cathell, Mr. 717, g31 Dabbe, Henry 181 DagKus, abbot of InnllkU- ling,311 Dagnall, Thomaa 770 Dakio, WiUiam 457 Dallas, Mr. sgo Dalrymple, sir David 3g0 Dalton, Isaac 014, 031 Datton, Mary 014 D ton, Mr. 720 Dalzell, Andrew 781 Damer, Joseph 658 Damer, Mrs. 701 Dampler, Or. bp. of Ely, 710 Dampier,slr Henry, Knt. 71O Dancer, Nathaniel OtS Dandlni. Jerom 451 Daniel, bp. of Winchester, 44 Daniel, Roger 484, 513 Daniel, Samuel 441, 400 Daniel, WUItam 413 Daniel, William archUsbbp of Tuam, 460 Daniels, Alicia 840 Danou, M. inO Dante, AUghieri 66, 09 Daoter, John 434 Danvers, Caleb 636 Darby, John, sen. 689, 590 Daiby,J.Jun.5g9,0Ol,03«,00O Darby, Robert 259 Oarcy, Edward 437 Darker. Mr. 532 Daitlneuf. Mr. 712 Oarwio, Charles BIO Darwin, Dr. Erasmns81O,830 Dash, Mr. 8S0 Daugherty, sir Gary 472 Davanent.sir William 4gi,540 Davenport, Mr. 836 Davenport, WUliam 773 Davldge, George B. g45 Davidson, Mr. 878 Davidson, Jamea 638, 089 Davidson, Robert 891 Davidson, Thomas 261 Davidson, WiUiam 815 Davies, Eleanor 479 Davles, James 696 Davies, sir John 470, 450 Davies, sir Thomas 551 [Javies, ThoniBs 746, 754 Davies, William 177, 945 Davis, captain John 438, 433 Davis, Charles 69s Davis, Lockyer 746, 771, 771 Davis. Mr. 720 Davison, Thomas 919 Davison, William sgi Davy, rev. WUliam 8g«  Dawes, sir William 6«< Dawks, Dorothy 600 Digitized by VjOOQ IC