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Jared, Brother of.

nearly finished, the latter proposed that they gather the people, number them, give them necessary teachings, and learn their wishes. This was done; but to the grief of the brother of Jared, the people desired that a king be anointed to rule over them. He saw, by the spirit of prophecy, that this action would lead to many evils, and he was inclined to refuse their request, but Jared pleaded that the wishes of the people be granted, and his brother finally consented. It was the first step in the wrong direction, and led to much sin, misery, contention and captivity. The people having the privilege granted them, chose Pagag, the eldest son of their prophet. He declined, as did all of his brothers, and also all the sons of Jared except Orihah. The last named accepted the royal dignity and was anointed king. Soon after this the brother of Jared died, full of years and honor. Like Enoch, he had been privileged to enter the presence of the Lord, and to have revealed to him the history of the world in all its generations. He was also a seer, having received the priceless gift of a Urim and Thummim. His faith was never exceeded by the sons of men; he laid hold of the promises of the Almighty with unshaken confidence. By that faith he performed miracles; Moroni tells us that by its power he "said unto the mountain Zerin, remove, and it was removed,” (Ether, 12:30); but of the circumstances that attended this manifestation of Divine power, we have not the slightest details. The brother of Jared is also said to have been “mighty in writing:" the uncorrupted language which he used being, unquestionably, most favorable for expressing niceties of thought in written characters. He was a "large and mighty man" in personal appearance, and undoubtedly as strong in his integrity to God, and in his moral courage, as he was in physical characteristics. Altogether, we deem him one of the greatest prophets and leaders of God's people that