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Jaredites, The.

ever graced this earth. When he died he left behind him twenty-two sons and daughters.

JAREDITES, THE. The descendants of Jared and his associates, who were led by the power of God from the Tower of Babel to this continent. Here they became one of the mightiest of nations, and flourished in a manner unsurpassed in the history of the post-deluvian races, until they fell into decay through corruption and iniquity and were ultimately destroyed in a desolating internecine war, at the end of which but one man, Coriantumr, remained as the representative of this once mighty people. The destruction of the Jaredites took place, as nearly as can be gleaned from the record, about the same time as the Nephites reached this land, (say B. C. 590.)

JAROM. A Nephite prophet who lived in the fourth and fifth centuries before Christ. He was the son of Enos, the son of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, and was intrusted with the care of the plates of Nephi, which he appears to have retained 59 years, or from the 180th to the 239th year of the Nephite annals. From his record we learn that during his days many of the Nephites were a stiff-necked and hard-hearted people, among whom the prophets and priesthood labored diligently, warning them of the great evils that must ultimately result to the nation if they did not repent. Their labors were blessed with measurable success. It is pleasing to learn from Jarom's writings that the Nephite kings and leaders were mighty men in the faith of the Lord, who not only led them to victory over their earthly enemies, but instructed them in the ways of eternal salvation. The laws of the land were exceedingly strict, the law of Moses was rigorously observed, the Sabbath day was kept holy unto the Lord, and profanity and blasphemy were unknown. Under the wise and righteous administration of these kings, the Nephites spread widely over the land of Nephi,