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Names and Titles given to Jesus Christ. Among the names and titles given to Christ in the Book of Mormon are: Mediator, Messiah, Redeemer, Shepherd, Great and True Shepherd, Lamb, Lamb of God, Son of Righteousness, Son of the Eternal Father, Only Begotten of the Father, Creator, The Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth, King, King of Heaven, Heavenly King, King of all the Earth, God of Israel, God of the whole Earth, Most High God, Lord Omnipotent, Lord God Omnipotent, Mighty God, Holy One, Holy One of Israel, Mighty One of Jacob, Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, and several others.

JOHN. The Apostle, usually called John the Revelator. He is mentioned by name three times in the Book of Mormon. Twice regarding the things revealed to him (I Nephi, 14:27; Ether, 4:16); and once regarding his request, similar to that of the three Nephites, that he might live and minister on the earth until Jesus returned (III Nephi, 28:6).

JOHN. The Baptist. This prophet is not mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon, but that he would baptize the Savior is foretold by Lehi and Nephi (I Nephi, 10:7-10: 11:27; II Nephi, 31:4).

JONAS. The name of Jonas, the son of Nephi the Disciple, and himself a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, is but once mentioned in the Book of Mormon, and then only in the list of those chosen by the Messiah to form that august body, where it occupies the third place, coming next after Nephi his father, and Timothy his uncle, consequently all we can say of him is inferential. It is altogether probable that by following the virtuous examples of his eminent forefathers, he had rendered himself worthy of the glorious position to which the Savior called him, as among a generation who were all righteous,