Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/140

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Of Capt. England.

and ſince we cannot ſhow our Reſentment on him, let us hang the Dogs his People, who wiſh him well, and would do the ſame, if clear. If it be in my Power, ſays the Quarter-Maſter, both Maſters and Officers of Ships ſhall be carried with us for the future, only to plague them. ———d———n England.

Thence they proceeded to Calicut, where they endeavoured to take a large Moor Ship out of the Road, but was prevented by ſome Guns mounted on Shore, and diſcharged at them: Mr. Laſinby, who was one of Captain Mackra’s Officers, and detained, was under the Deck at this Time, and commanded both by the Captain and Quarter Maſter of the Pyrates, to tend the Braces on the Booms, in hopes, it was believed, a Shot would take him before they got clear, aſking the Reaſon why he was not there before? And when he would have excuſed himſelf, threat’ned on the like Neglect to ſhoot him; at which the other beginning to expoſtulate farther, and claim their Promiſe of putting him aſhore, got an unmerciful beating from the Quarter-Maſter. Captain Taylor, who was now Succeſſor to England, and whoſe Priviledge it was to do ſo, being lame of his Hands, and unable.

The next Day in their Paſſage down, came up with a Dutch Galliot, bound for Calicut with Lime Stone, and aboard of her they put Captain Tawke, and ſent him away, and ſeveral of the People interceeded for Laſinby in vain, For, ſays Taylor and his Party, if we let this Dog go, who has heard our Deſigns and Reſolutions, we overſet all our well adviſed Projections, and particularly this Supply we are now ſeeking for, at the Hands of the Dutch.

It was but one Day more before they arrived off Cochin, where, by a Fiſhing-Canoe, they ſent a Letter on Shore; and in the Afternoon, with the Sea-breeze, ran into the Road and anchored, ſaluting the Fort with 11 Guns each Ship, and received the
