Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/141

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Of Capt. England.

Return, in an equal Number; a good Omen of the welcome Reception they found; for at Night there came on Board a large Boat, deeply laden with freſh Proviſions and Liquors, and with it a Servant (of a favourite Inhabitant) called John Trumpet: He told them they muſt immediately weigh, and run farther to the Southward, where they ſhould be ſupplied with all Things they wanted, naval Stores or Proviſions.

They had not been long at Anchor again, before they had ſeveral Canoes on Board with both black and white Inhabitants, who continued, without Interruption, all good Offices, during their Stay; particularly John Trumpet brought a large Boat of Arrack, than which, nothing could be more pleaſing (about 90 Legers,) as alſo 60 Bales of Sugar; an Offering, its preſumed, from the Governor and his Daughter, who, in Return, had a fine Table-Clock ſent him, (the Plunder of Captain Mackra’s Ship,) and ſhe a large Gold Watch, Earneſts of the Pay they deſigned to make.

When they had all on Board, they paid Mr. Trumpet to his Satisfaction, it was computed, 6 or 7000 l. gave him three Cheers, 11 Guns each Ship, and throw’d Ducatoons into his Boat by handfuls, for the Boat-Men to ſcramble for.

That Night being little Wind, did not weigh, and Trumpet, in the Morning, waked them to the Sight of more Arrack, Cheſts of Piece-Goods, and ready made Clothes, bringing the Fiſcal of the Place alſo with him. At Noon, while thoſe were on Board, ſaw a Sail to the Southward, which they weighed, and chaced after; but ſhe having a good Offing, got to the Northward of them, and anchored a ſmall Diſtance from Cochin Fort; the aforementioned Gentlemen aſſuring them, that they would not be moleſted in taking her from under the Caſtle, ſollicited before hand for the buying her,

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