Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/163

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Of Capt. John Rackam.

in the Evening: The French Men came on Board, whether by Conſent or Compulſion, I can’t ſay. They afterwards plundered two Sloops, and returned to Jamaica, on the North Coaſt of which Iſland, near Porto Maria Bay, they took a Scooner, Thomas Spenlow Maſter; it was then the 19th of October. The next Day, Rackam ſeeing a Sloop in Dry Harbour Bay, he ſtood in and fired a Gun; the Men all run aſhore, and he took the Sloop and Lading, but when thoſe aſhore found them to be Pyrates, they hailed the Sloop, and let them know they were all willing to come aboard of them.

Rackam’s coaſting the Iſland in this Manner, proved fatal to him, for Intelligence came to the Governor, of his Expedition, by a Canoa which he had ſurprized aſhore, in Ocho Bay; upon which a Sloop was immediately fitted out, and ſent round the Iſland in queſt of him, commanded by Captain Barnet, with a good Number of Hands. Rackam rounding the Iſland, and drawing near the Weſtermoſt Point, called Point Negril, ſaw a ſmall Pettiauger, which at ſight of the Sloop, run aſhore and landed her Men; when one of them hailed her, Anſwer was made, They were Engliſh Men, and deſired the Pettiauger’s Men to come on Board, and drink a Bowl of Punch, which they were prevailed upon to do; accordingly the Company came all aboard of the Pyrate, conſiſting of nine Perſons, in an ill Hour; they were armed with Muskets and Cutlaſhes, but, what was their real Deſign by ſo doing, I ſhall not take upon me to ſay; but they had no ſooner laid down their Arms, and taken up their Pipes, but Barnet’s Sloop, which was in Purſuit of Rackam’s, came in Sight.

The Pyrates finding ſhe ſtood directly towards her, fear’d the Event, and weighed their Anchor, which they but lately let go, and ſtood off: Captain Barnet gave them Chace, and having the Ad-
