Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/21

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the Iſland of St. Thome, Del Principe, and Annobono, from 188 to 204. The Dutch Governor of Acra taken by Davis, 205. Davis well received by the Governor of Princes, ib. His Stratagem to come at the Wealth of the Iſland, 206. Is counterplotted and kill’d, by an Ambuſcade, 207.

His Beginning, 208. Elected Captain in the Room of Davis, 209. The Speech of Lord Dennis at the Election, ib. Lord Sympſon objects againſt a Papiſt, ib. The Death of Davis reveng’d, 210. Roberts ſails Southward, in Queſt of Adventures, 211. The Names of the Prizes taken by them, ib. Braſil deſcrib’d, from 211 to 221. Roberts falls into a Fleet of Portugueſe, 221. Boards and takes the richeſt Ship amongſt them, 222. Make the Devil’s Iſlands, 223. An unfortunate Adventure of Roberts, 224. Kennedy’s Treachery, 225. Iriſhmen excluded by Roberts and his Crew, 230. Articles ſworn to by them, ib. A Copy of them from, 230 to 233. Some Account of the Laws and Cuſtoms of the Pyrates, 233, 234. An Inſtance of Roberts his Cunning, 234. He proceeds again upon Buſineſs, and takes Prizes, 235. Narrowly eſcapes being taken, 236. Sails for the Iſland Dominico, ib. Another Eſcape, 237. Sails for Newfoundland, ib. Plunders, ſinks and burns 22 Sail in the Harbour of Trepaſſi, ib. Plunders ten Sail of French Men, 238. The mad Behaviour of the Crew, 238, 239. A Correſpondence hinted at, 240. The Pyrates careſs’d at the Iſland of St. Bartholomew, ib. In extream Diſtreſs, 241, 242. Sail for Martinico, 243. A Stratagem of Roberts, ib. The inſolent Device in his Colours, 244. And odd Compliment paid to Roberts, ib. Three Men deſert the Pyrates, and are taken by them, 245. Their Tryal, 245, 246. Two executed, and one ſaved, 247. The Brigantine deſerts them, 248. Great Diviſions in the Company, 248, 249. A Deſcription of Serraleone River, 250. The Nams of Engliſh ſettled there, and Way of Life, 251, 252, 253. The Onſlow, belonging to the African Company taken, 254. The Pyrates Contempt of Soldiers, ib. They are for entertaining a Chaplain, ib. Their Skirmiſh with the Calabar Negroes, 256. The King Solomon, belonging to the African Company, taken, 258. The Frolicks of the Pyrates, ib. Take eleven Sail in Whydah Road, 259. A comical Receipt given by the Pyrates, 260. A cruel Action of Roberts, 261. Sails for Anna Bona, 262. The Progreſs of the Swallow Man of War, in Purſuit of Roberts, from 262 to 267. Roberts his Conſort taken, 267. The