Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/248

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

Hawſer, 10 Casks of Oatmeal, ſix Casks of Beef, and ſeveral other Goods, beſides five of their Men; and after they had detained her three Days, let her go; who being bound for the aboveſaid Iſland, ſhe acquainted the Governor with what had happened, as ſoon as ſhe arrived.

Whereupon a Briſtol Galley that lay in the Harbour, was ordered to be fitted out with all imaginable Expedition, of 20 Guns, and 80 Men, there being then no Man of War upon that Station, and alſo a Sloop with 10 Guns, and 40 Men: The Galley was commanded by one Captain Rogers, of Briſtol, and the Sloop by Captain Graves, of that Iſland, and Captain Rogers by a Commiſſion from the Governor, was appointed Commadore.

The ſecond Day after Rogers ſailed out of the Harbour, he was diſcovered by Roberts, who knowing nothing of their Deſign, gave them Chaſe: The Barbadoes Ships kept an eaſy ſail till the Pyrates came up with them, and then Roberts gave them a Gun, expecting they would have immediately ſtruck to his pyratical Flag, but inſtead thereof, he was forced to receive the Fire of a Broadſide, with three Huzzas at the ſame Time; ſo that an Engagement enſued, but Roberts being hardly put to it, was obliged to crowd all the Sail the Sloop would bear, to get off: The Galley ſailing pretty well, kept Company for a long while, keeping a conſtant Fire, which gail’d the Pyrate; however, at length by throwing over their Guns, and other heavy Goods, and thereby light’ning the Veſſel, they, with much ado, got clear; but Roberts could never endure a Barbadoes Man afterwards, and when any Ships belonging to that Iſland fell in his Way, he was more particularly ſevere to them than others.

Captain Roberts ſailed in the Sloop to the Iſland of Dominico, where he watered, and got Proviſions
