Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/406

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Of Capt. John Evans.

Sacrifice, and in a few Days their Wiſhes were accompliſhed; for at Duns Hole, they found a ſmall Sloop at an Anchor, belonging to Bermudas: They made bold and went aboard, and Evans informed the Folks that belonged to her, that he was Captain of the Veſſel, which was a Piece of News they knew not before. After they had put their Affairs in a proper Diſpoſition aboard, they went aſhore to a little Village for Refreſhments, and lived jovially the remaining Part of the Day, at a Tavern, ſpending three Piſtols, and then departed. The People of the Houſe admired at the merry Gueſts they had got, were mightily pleaſed, and wiſhed for their Company at another Time, which happened too ſoon for their Profit; for, in the middle of the Night, they came aſhore all Hands, rifled the Houſe, and carried what they could aboard their Sloop.

The next Day they weighed in the Sloop, aboard of which they mounted four Guns, called her the Scowerer, and ſailed to Hiſpaniola; on the North Part of which Iſland they took a Spaniſh Sloop, which proved an extraordinary rich Prize, as it fell among ſo few Perſons as this Company conſiſted of, for they ſhared upwards of 150 l. a Man.

In Purſuance of the Game, and beating up for the Windward Iſlands, the Scowerer met with a Ship from New-England, bound to Jamaica, 120 Tons, called the Dove, Captain Diamond Maſter, off Porto Rico: They plundered her, and ſtrengthened their own Company, by taking out the Mate, and two or three other Men; they diſcharged the Prize, and run into one of the Iſlands for freſh Water and Neceſſaries, and ſtaid there ſome Time.

The next Prize they made, was the Lucretia and Catherine, Captain Mills, of 200 Ton Burthen; they came up with her near the Iſland Diſſeada, January 11th. Upon ſeizing of this Ship, the Pyrates be-gan