Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/407

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Of Capt. John Evans.

gan to take upon themſelves the Diſtribution of Juſtice, examining the Men concerning their Maſter’s Uſage of them, according to the Cuſtom of other Pyrates; but the Captain over-hearing the Matter, put an End to the judicial Proceedings, and fell to rumaging the Ship, ſaying to them, What have we to do to turn Reformers, ’tis Money we want? And ſpeaking to the Priſoners, he asked them, Does your Captain give you Victuals enough? And they anſwering in the Affirmative: Why then, ſaid he, he ought to give you Work enough.

After the taking of this Prize, they went to the little Iſland of Avis, with a Deſign to clean, and carried the Lucretia along with them, in order to heave down the Scowerer by her; but meeting there with a Sloop, the Pyrate gave Chace till the Evening, when ſhe was within Gun-Shot of her; but fearing to loſe Company with the Lucretia, who was a heavy Sailor, they left off, and ſaw her no more. This Chace brought them to Leeward of their Port, ſo that they were obliged to look out for another Place of Retreat, and the Iſland of Ruby not being far diſtant, they ſteered for that, and anchored there accordingly; but the next Day a Dutch Sloop coming as it were, into their Mouths, they could not forbear dealing, and ſo making her their Prize, they plundered her of what came, when ſhared, to fifty Pounds a Man.

They found this Sloop more for their Purpoſe than the Lucretia, to clean their own Sloop by, as being much lower in the Waſt, and therefore capable of heaving her Bottom farther out of the Water, ſo ſhe was diſcharged, and the Dutch Man kept in her Room; but not thinking it convenient to lay up here, for fear a diſcovery ſhould be made, they turned their Thoughts another Way, and ſteered to the Coaſt of Jamaica, where they took a Sugar Drover, and then run to the Grand Caimanes,about