Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/408

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Of Capt. John Evans.

about 30 Leagues to Leeward of Jamaica, with Intention to clean there; but an unhappy Accident put an End to their Pyracies, which hitherto had proved very ſucceſſful to them.

The Boatſwain of the Pyrate being a noiſy ſurly Fellow, the Captain had at ſeveral Times Words with him, relating to his Behaviour, who thinking himſelf ill treated, not only returned ill Language, but alſo challenged the Captain to fight him on the next Shore they came to, with Piſtols and Sword, as is the Cuſtom among theſe Outlaws. When the Sloop arrived, as abovementioned, the Captain propoſed the Duel; but the cowardly Boatſwain refuſed to fight, or go aſhore, tho’ it was his own Challenge. When Captain Evans ſaw there was nothing to be done with him, he took his Cane, and gave him a hearty drubbing; but the Boatſwain not being able to bear ſuch an Indignity, drew out a Piſtol and ſhot Evans thro’ the Head, ſo that he fell down dead; and the Boatſwain immediately jumped over-board, and ſwam towards the Shore; but the Boat was quickly mann’d and ſent after him, which took him up and brought him aboard.

The Death of the Captain in that Manner, provoked all the Crew, and they reſolved the Criminal ſhould die by the moſt exquiſite Tortures; but while they were conſidering of the Puniſhment, the Gunner, tranſported with Paſſion, diſcharged a Piſtol, and ſhot him thro’ the Body; but not killing him outright, the Delinquent in very moving Words, deſired a Week for Repentance only; but another ſtepping up to him, told him, that he ſhould repent and be damned to him, and without more ado ſhot him dead.

I ſhould have obſerved, that when the Lucretia and Katharine was ſuffered to go away, the Pyrates detained their Mate, who was now the only Man aboard, who underſtood Navigation, and him theydeſired