Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/233

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MR. NUTTS CELTIC LIST IRISH TEXTS. Edited by ERNST WINDISCH and WHITLEY STOKES. Demy 8vo. Net. VOL. I. (xvi, 886 pp.) contains the following texts: The Hymns of the Liber Hymnorum ; Longes Mac-n-Usnig ; Seel Mucci Mic Datho ; Tochmarc Elaine ; Compert Conculaind ; the earliest Finn Poems; Fis Adamnain ; Fled Bricrend ; the Irish Poems in the eighth-century Irish MS. of the Monastery of St. Paul. These texts are edited by Professor Windisch without translation, but with a glossary of 500 pages in double columns, which still remains the most extensive and valuable list of early Irish words, phrases, and constructions, i, 43. VOL. II. Part I. (1884. iv, 216 pp.). The Destruction of Troy, from H. II. 17, edited and translated into English by Whitley Stokes; the ninth-century Irish Glosses to the Soliloquia of St. Augustine, edited by E. Windisch ; Bricriu's Feast and the Exile of the Sons of Doel Dermait, edited and translated (into German) by Windisch. 55. VOL. II. Part II. (1887. iv, 256 pp.). The Alexander Story, from Leb. Brecc, edited and translated (into German) by K. Meyer p the Death of the Sons of Uisnach, edited from the Glen Masain MS., and translated into English by Whitley Stokes ; Four smaller Tains (Tain bo Dartada Tain bo Flidais Tain b6 Regamain Tain bo Regamna), edited and translated (into- German) by E. Windisch. 6s. VOL. III. Part I. (1891. iv, 281 pp.). Middle Irish Metrical Texts, edited by R. Thurneysen ; the Irish Ordeals, Cormac's Adventure in the Land of Promise, and the Decision as to Cormac's Sword, edited and translated (into English) by Whitley Siokes ; The Engendering of the Two Swineherds, edited and translated (into- German) by E. Windisch. 8s. VOL. III. Part II. (1897. iv, 596 pp.). The Coir Anmann (the Mediaeval Irish Dictionary of Heroic Biography), edited and translated (into English) by Whitley Stokes ; Tochmarc Ferbe, edited and translated (into German) by E. Windisch. IDS. VOL. IV. (1900. xiv, 438 pp.). The Acallamh na Senorach, edited by Whitley Stokes. With translation of such portions as were omitted by Dr. Standish Hayes O'Grady in his edition, and trans- lation of this text (Silva Gadelica), Index of Names, of Persons,, of Things, of Places, and Glossarial Index (of 60 pp., double columns). 12s.

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