Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/44

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XXXVlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. No. Name. 154. Comparative Views of Models of Conti- nental Cathedrals. Amiens . Rouen Antwerp . Notre Dame, Paris . Strasbourg Beauvais . 155. French Gothic Examples — II. Comparative plans of cathedrals Rouen Evreux S. Ouen, Rouen . Chartres Rheims .S. Chapelle, Paris 156. Notre Dame, Paris. View of west front . 157. French Gothic Examples — III. Notre Dame, Paris, exterior bay ,, ,, ,, cross section „ „ ,, interior bay „ „ ,, plan . . . . 158. Notre Dame, Paris. Interior 159. Comparative Plans of English and French Types of Cathedrals. Salisbury Cathedral Amiens ,, ... 160. Amiens Cathedral. Interior . 161. Rheims Cathedral. View of west front 162. Coutances Cathedral. View of west front 163. House of Jacques Cceur, Bour ges 164. Palace de Justice, Rouen 165. French Gothic Ornament. Chartres, figure sculpture „ capital ... Amiens, fleche .... „ grotesque figure . Notre Dame, Paris, open parapet ,, ,, stone pulpit Mont S. Michel, foliage Notre Dame, Chalons-sur-Marne Piers in Northern .and Southern France Semur, capital and crocket 166. Antwerp Cathedral. Exterior . A, c B, D E F, K G, J H Authorities. Photos by T. Thatcher. Winkle. Pugin. King. Photo. Lassus and - Viollet-le- Duc. Photo. . A, C, D, E Britton. • B, F, G, It H Winkle. Photo. Photo. Photo. Photo. Photo. A G Nesfield. B E Bulges. Nesfield. C, U ,, R V Surges. Nesfield. H W. G. Davie 1 J, K, l^, ■ ( M, N,

B, Q Nesfield. Photo.