Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/45

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXXIX No. Name. 167. Belgian Gothic Examples. S. Gudule, Brussels, elevation. ,, ' ,, section . „ „ interior elevation ,, „ plan Antwerp Cathedral, section . ., ,, plan 168. Town Hall, Bruges .... 169. Town Hall, Ghent .... 170. German Gothic Examples — I. Cologne Cathedral, exterior . „ ,, section „ „ interior . „ „ piers ., plan 171. Ratisbon Cathedral. Exterior. 172. German Gothic Examples — II. S. Stephen, Vienna, plan A B c D, E, G, H F Authorities King. Photo. Photo. Boisseree. Photo. ,, „ section . B - Gailhabaud. „ ,, interior . C ) S. Elizabeth, Marburg, plan . D 1 exterior section E F iKing. 1 )) 11 interior G I ^7Z- S. Stephen, Vienna . Photo. 174. German Gothic Ornament Freibourg Cathedral, canopy capitals A, C Norman Shaw S. Paul, Woms, capita Is B Moller. Cologne, parapet ,, corbel capital ,, gargoyles . D J K, L V Boisseree. Moller. ,, doorway . Gelnhausen, doorway F E Bruges, miserere G, H Norman Shaw Marburg, tomb M Moller. 175- Milan Cathedral Exterior Photo, 176. Italian Gothic Examples — I. Milan Cathedral, plan . ,, long, section ,, transverse section S. Maria-dei-Fiori, Florence, plan ,, long, section 177. Milan Cathedral. Interior 178. The Doge's Palace, Venice . 179. Italian Gothic Examples — II. Palazzo della Ca d'Oro, elevation Doge's Palace, Venice, fa9ade Palazzo Pisani, Venice, fa9ade Siena Cathedral, plan (_Gailhabaud and I others. Photc. Photo. Cicognara.