Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/779

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INDEX. 721 Obelisks, Egyptian, 22, 27. Cleopatra's Needle. 27. Octastyle (see Glossary). Odeion of Herodes Atticus, Athens, 147. Ogee (see Glossary). ' Ogee arch, Saracenic. 657. Old State House, Boston, 598. Olympia. architecture at, 55. Philipeion at, 58, 79. 87. Heraion. 63, 66. Temple of Zeus, 63, 66. Omar Khayyam (poet). 34. Omar, mosque of, 41, 659. Open-timber roofs, 290, 318, 443. Open-work spires. 396, 401, 426. 433. Opera House, Paris. 506. Opisthodomos (see Glossary). Oppenheim, vaulting at, 401. Optical illusions, 647. Opus Albarium. iig. Alexandrinum. 119. Grecanicum, 182. Incertum, 115. Mixtum. 117. Reticulatum, 117. Sectile, 119. Spicatum, 119. Tessalatum, 119. Orange, arch of, 156. Roman theatre, 147. Order (see Glossary). Order, Composite, 171. Corinthian, 85, 102, i6g. Doric, 59, 102, 167, Ionic, 77, 102, 169. Tuscan, 167. Orders in Gothic. 332. Orders of architecture, 5, 53, 167. Orders of Friars, 220. Austin. 220. Carmelites, 220. Crutched, 220. Dominicans. 220. Franciscans, 220. Friars of the Holy Trinity, 220. Orders, proportions by Chambers, 582, 588. Orders, monastic, 218. Augustinian, 219. Benedictine, 218. Carthusian, 219. Cistercian. 219. Cluniac, 219. Knights Templars and Hospi- tallers. 219. Premonstratensian. 219. Ordinates in vaulting. 441. Oriel (see Glossary), F.A. Oriel College, Oxford, 324, 557. Oriel windows, 551. Orissa, moimments, 623. Orleans, House of Agnes Sorel, 506. Orme, Philibert de 1', 505. Ornament, Anglo-Saxon, 328. Assyrian, 44 (No. 13). Assyrian, influence on Greek, 44. Belgian and Dutch Gothic, 392. Byzantine, 214 (No. 89). Chinese and Japanese, 650 (No. 283). Decorated, 347. Early Christian, 191 (No. 78). Early English Gothic, 341. Egyptian. 29 (No. 10). Gothic in England, 382 (Nos. 146, 147, 148, 149)- Europe, 444. France, 382 (No. 165). Germany. 402 (No. 174). Italy, 421 (No. 184). Spain, 434 (No. 190). Greek, 106, 171 (Nos. 41, 42, 43, 44)- Indian, 632 (No. 266). Norman, 335 (No. 139). Perpendicular, 354. Renaissance in Europe, 444. Belgian and Dutch, 532 (No. 234). Elizabethan and Jacobean, 564 (No. 250). English, 588 (Nos. 251,260). Florentine, 494 (No. 194). French. 513 (Nos. 225, 226). Genoese and Veronese. 492 (No. 218). German, 526 (No. 231). Italian, 513. Roman, 494 (No. 206). Spanish, 542 (No. 239). Venetian, 494 (No. 214). Roman, 171 (Nos. 67, 68, 69). Romanesque in Europe, 227. France, 254 (No. 103). Germany, 266 (No. 107). Italy, 244 (No. 98). Saracenic, Spain and Egypt, 680 (No. 291). Indian, 680 (No. 298). Orvieto Cathedral, 405, 417. Ospedale degli Innocenti, 448. Maggiore, Milan. 495, 505. Ottawa Parliament House, 597. '"Overcroft," Cormac's Chapel Cashel, 360. Oviedo Cathedral, 434.