Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/780

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722 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. Ovolo (see Glossary). Ovolo moulding. io6. O.xburgh Hall, 320, 553. Oxford, All Souls College, 324. Brasenose College. 324. Cathedral. 289. 305, 332. Christ Church College, 324. Corpus Christi College, 324. Divinity Schools, 289. Examination Schools. 596. Exeter College, 324. Iffley Church, 332. Indian Institute, 596. Jesus College, 557. Keble College, 594. Lincoln College, 324. Magdalen College, 324. Mansfield College, 596. Martyrs' Memorial, 594. Merton College, 324, 351, 353. Merton College Library, 557. Merton College Chapel, 324. Municipal buildings, 597. Museum, 595. New College, 324. Oriel College. 324. 557. Pembroke College, 557. Queen's College, 324, 576. Radcliffe Library, 581. S. John's College, 324. Schools gateway, 557. Sheldonian Theatre, 576. Taylor and Randolph Institute. 592. Trinity College, 324, 576. Wadham College, 557. Worcester College, 324. Olympia, Olympius (Olympeion), Temple of Zeus, 66. 75. 87, 90. Palaestra (gymnasia), 97. Stadion, 97. Stoa Poecile, Echo colonnade, 97. Padua, churches and palaces at. 408. Giotto's chapel, 421. John of, 549, 557. S. Antonio. 408. Paeonius of Ephesus, architect. 79, 84, 87. Paestum, architecture at. 55. capitals at, 63. temple (Basilica), 49, 61, 66. temple of Ceres, 66. Neptune. 58, 102. Poseidon, 66, 69. Pagan religion, Assyrian, 33. Egyptian, 10. Greek, 46. Roman, 112. Pagodas, 634. 638, 642. Canton (flowery), 642. Hang-chow, 642. Japanese, 642. Kew Gardens, 642. Nankin, 642. Ning-poo, 642. Sao-chow, 642. Shanghai, 642. Tang-chow, 642. Tung-chow, 642. Pailoos, 612, 642. Chinese, 642. Painted glass, 254, 272. Palace, Archbishop's. Alcala, 537. of Artaxerxes, 41. of Ashur-Nasir-Pal, 40. Balbi, Genoa. 496. Barbarano, Vincenza, 488. Barbarini, Rome, 473, 490. Bevilacqua, Verona, 490. Bianco, Genoa, 495. Blenheim, 580, 581. Bologna, 408, 467. Borghese, Rome, 473. Braschi, Rome, 490. Ca d'Oro, Venice, 411. Cambiassi, Genoa, 496. Cancellaria, Rome, 457. Canossa, Verona, 490. Capitanio, Vicenza, 488. Capitol, Rome, 467. Caprarola. 463, 503. Cavalli, Venice, 411. Charles V., Granada, 537. Chierecati, Vicenza, 488. Consiglio. Verona, 445, 490. Contarini-Fasan, 411. Cornaro, Venice, 485. Corsini, Rome, 490. Ctesiphon, 667. of Darius, 40, 41. Delhi, 656, 677. Del Te. Mantua, 463. Diocletian, Spalato, 156, 161. Doge's, Venice, 411. court, 477. Durazzo, Genoa, 496. Escurial, 161, 537. Farnese, Rome, 461, 592. Farsetti, 237. Firouzabad, 667. Fontainebleau, 503. Foscari, Venice, 411. Gaudagni, 454. Giraud, Rome, 440, 457. Grimani Venice, 485. Khorsabad, 39. King Minos, Knossos, 54, 92.