Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/781

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INDEX. 723 Palace —continued. Loredan, 237. Luxembourg, 506. Mashita, 66g. Massimi, Rome, 461. Monterey-Salamanca, 542. Municipio, Cologna, 467. Nimroud, 39, 43, 44. Nineveh, 39, 44, 669. Pandolfini, 449, 463, 592. Papal, Rome, 473. Persepolis, 40, 669. Pesaro, Venice, 441, 485. Pisani, Venice, 411. Pitti, 449, 453, 506. Pompeii, Verona, 490. Publico, Siena, 417. Riccardi, Florence, 441,448, 449, 453- Rosso, Genoa, 495. Royal, Palermo, 241. Ruccellai, Florence, 453. Sargon, 39. Sennacherib, 40. Serbistan, 667. Strozzi, 449, 454. Summer, Pekin, 639. Susa, 41. Tiene, Vicenza, 488. Tiryns, 47, 54, 93. Tuileries, 505. Uxmal, 652. Valmarana Vicenza, 488. Vatican, Rome, 441. Vecchio, 417. Vendramini, 485. Versailles, 506. Xerxes, 40, 41. Zayi, 652. Palaces, Assyrian, theories as to roofing, 40. Chinese and Japanese, 369. Greek, 92. Mycenaean, 61. Roman, 92, 160. of the Roman Emperors, 160. Palaestra, Greek, 97, 141. Olympia, 97. Palais de Justice, Brussels, 528. Rouen, 376. Palenque Temple, 652. Palermo, Capella Palatina, 241. Cathedral, 419. Martorana Church, 242. S. Giovanni degli Eremiti, 242. Paley and Austin, architects, 596. Palgrave Church, Suffolk, 293. Palitana. temple, 618. Palladian motif, 488. type of house, 581. Palladio, architect, 488, 567,571, 580. Palm vaulting, 288. Palmette ornament, 106. Palmyra, Great Temple at, 125. Panathenaic frieze, 72. Pandolfini Palace, 449, 463, 592. Pandroseion, Athens, 81. Panel (see Glossary). PaneUing, Elizabethan, 555. Pansa, house of, 162. Pantheon, Oxford Street, London, 582. Paris, 473, 509. Rome, 59, 130, 147. hypaethral opening at, 58. 134- Parapet (see Glossary). Parapets, pierced, 562. Parclose-screen, perpendicular. 354. Paris, Arc de Triomphe, 506. Chateau de Maisons, 506. Church of the Sorbonne, 509. Hotel des Invalides, 509. Hotel de Ville, 506. Louvre, the, 41, 503, 506, 569. Pavilion de I'Horloge, 505. Luxembourg Palace, 506. Madeleine, 511. Notre Dame, 24, 368. Opera House, 506. Pantheon, 473, 509. Place Louis Napoleon, 505. Sainte Chapelle, 373. S. Etienne du Mont, 509. S. Eustache, 509. S. Genevieve, 506. SS. Paul and Louis, 509. S. Sulpice, 509. Tuileries, 505. Parish churches. English, 316. Spanish, 430, 433. Parisnath, temple, 618. Parliament House, Melbourne, 597. Ottawa, 597. Sydney, 597. Vienna, 524. Parochial churches, 298. Paros. temple of Poseidon. 63. Parthenon. Athens, entasis of column. 61. inclination of columns, 51, 58, 66, 67, 102. Patera (see Glossary). Patio, Spanish, 537, 540. de las Doncellas. 663. Pausanias. 67. 3 A 2