Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/684

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668 INDEX. Aneberg, Count, accused of heresy, ii. 339. Angel-worship, iii. 412. Ansrele de la Barthe, her demon child, iii. 384. Angelo da Clarino, his punishment, iii. 33. his expatriation, iii. 38. returns to Italy, iii. 39. becomes chief of Spirituals, iii. 40. his estimate of Clementines, ii. 97; iii. 60. his pacific temper, iii. 64. imprisoned and released, iii. 70. denounced by Olivists, iii. 81. his death and beatification, iii. 65. Angelo Ricciardino persecutes Waldenses, ii. 267. Angelo of Verbosa, ii. 308, 315. Angermunde, Luciferans burned at, i. 456; ii. 375. Waldenses suppressed, ii. 416. Anglo-Saxon legislation on sorcery, iii. 420. Angrogna, Waldenses of, ii. 195, 259, 267. Anhalt, Flagellants burned in, ii. 409. Anjou, number of heretics in. i. 127. C. of. 1294, on sorcery, iii. 426. Annibaldo, his laws against heresy, i. 324. sent to Aragon, ii. 163. sent to Milan, ii. 200. sent to Germany, ii. 331. Anno of Cologne, his tolerance, i. 219. Anquira, C. of, on the Sabbat, iii. 494. Anselm of Liege, his tolerance, i. 219. Anselm, St., on the Conception of the Virgin, iii. 596. Antichrist, belief in, iii. 527. Antipopes of Spirituals, iii. 38, 63, 65, 80. Antisacerdotal heresies, i. 62. Antisaeerdotalism of Waldensianism, i. 83. of Flagellants, ii. 407. of Wickliff, ii. 441. of Apostolic Brethren, iii. 121. Antonino, St., on the Templars, iii. 328. Antonio, Fra, his failure at Venice, ii. 253. Antonio da Brescia, ii. 272. Antonio, Bp. of Massa, his campaign against Waldenses, ii. 154. Antonv, St., of Padua, persecutes heretics, i. "197. scourged by Elias, iii. 6. his canonization, i. 256. Antwerp, church of, in eleventh century, i. 64. origin of Lollards in. ii. 350. Apollonius of Tyana, iii. 389, 390. transmits Xotory Art, iii. 436. Apostasy of Jewish converts, ii. 63. Apostates, confiscation for, i. 502. Apostoli, i. 361. application for, i. 451. in witch-trials, iii. 517. Apostolic Brethren, iii. 103. their growth, iii. 105. their austerity, iii. 108. their doctrines, iii. 109, 111, 121. their organization, iii. 112. Apostolic Brethren persecuted in Spain, ii. 184. burned in Mecklenburg, ii. 402. Apostolic Succession in Bohemia, ii. 564. Appeals from Inq., i. 450. punished, ii. 62. refused in witch-trials, iii. 517, 531. Appellate jurisdiction of Rome, its influence, i. 17. Appointment of bishops, i. 6. of inqs., i. 344 ; ii. 272. of notaries, i. 379. Appuleius, his trial, iii. 391. Apulia, Waldensian settlements in, ii. 248, 259, 268. Aquila, Bp. of, his fate, i. 558. Aquileia, nature-worship in, ii. 301. Aquinas, St. Thomas, on punishment of her- esy, i. 229, 535. on guilt of heresy, i. 236. on burning for relapse, l. 54R. answers William of St. Amour, i. 286. confutes Joachim, iii. 14. on withdrawal of cup from laity, ii. 473. concessions as to poverty, iii. 1. denies papal dispensation for vows, iii. 77. on heresy of disobedience, iii. 192. on Incubi and Succubi, iii. 385. admits sorcerers' power over elements, iii. 415. on Ars Xotoria, iii. 436. condemns astrology, iii. 439. on divination by dreams, iii. 447. on the Divine Vision, iii. 591. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 598. on papal simony, iii. 628. Aquitaine, Cathari appear in, i. 108. number of heretics in. i. 127. confiscations in, ii. 112. Arabic literature of magic, iii. 429. Aragon, Waldenses persecuted in, 1194, i. 81. its subjection to St. Peter, i. 157. inqs. appointed, i. 302. legislation of Jayme I., i. 319, 323. subjection of State, i. 340. confiscation for heresy, i. 502. expenses of Inquisition, i. 531. Jewish books seized, i. 555. lampoons on Church, ii. 3. career of Inq. in, ii. 162. Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 55. Spirituals in, iii. 85. Fraticelli, iii. 168. crusade against Pedro TTL, iii. 190. bequest of Alonso I. to the Templars, iii. 240. proceedings against Templars, iii. 310. Templar property, iii. 332. laws on sorcery, iii. 430. controversy over Lully, iii. 584. Arbitrary procedure, i. 406, 440. Archdeacons superseded, i. 309.