Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/685

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INDEX. 669 Ardingho, Bishop of Florence, his statutes, i. 327. Argentieres, Waldenses of, ii. 147,154 157 160. Arians, persecution by, i. 216. Aristotle, his works suppressed, i. 58 554 • ii. 322. Arius, his writings suppressed, i. 213. Aries, conference of, in 1211, i. 166. Aries, C. of, 1234, orders synodal witnesses, i. 317. regulates episcopal Inq., i. 331. orders converts imprisoned, i. 484. C. of, 1265, condemns the Joachites, iii. 26. Arlotto di Prato condemns Olivi's writings in. 44. Arms, familiars to bear, i. 382. licenses to bear, sold by inqs., i. 383. Armanno Pongilupo, case of, i. 404 ; ii. 240. Armenia, Franciscan missions in, i. 298. Inq. in, i. 355. Paulicians in, i. 90. Spirituals sent to, iii. 35. Arnald of Brescia, i. 72. Arnaldistas, i. 75. Arnaldo of Castelbo, his condemnation, ii. 169. Arnaldo di Pelagrua leads crusade against Ferrara, iii. 195. Arnaldo de Vilanova, his career, iii. 52. intercedes for Spirituals, iii. 56. his description of inqs., ii. 249. his writings burned, iii. 85. Arnaud Catala, ii. 8, 10, 12. Arnaud of Citeaux appointed legate, i. 139. orders crusade preached, i. 147. leads the crusade, i. 1 53. his ferocity at Beziers, i. 154. selects de Montfort, i. 159. obtains archbishopric of Narbonne, i. 15, 168. . leads crusade into Spain, i. 169. supports Raymond VI., i. 182. exc. de Montfort, i. 184. his death, i. 196. Arnaud Dominique, his murder, ii. 16. Arnaud Garsia resists the Inq.,ii. 82, 100,101. Arnaud Morlana, ii. 60. Arnaud Novelli, of Fontfroide, ii. 87, 572. Arnest of Prague persecutes heresy, ii. 434. Arnold the Catharan burned at Cologne, i. 104. Arnold of Treves buys off papal legates, i. 16. Arnoul, Bp. of Lisieux, iii. 422. Arrabbiati, opponents of Savonarola, iii. 215, 221. Arras, Bp. of, burns Beghards, ii. 127. Vaudois of, i. 505, 532; iii. 384, 519. Arrest, preliminaries requisite to, ii. 139. destroys power of witches, iii. 509. Arringer of Ragusa, ii. 292. Ars Notoria, iii. 429, 436. B 1 'J. Art of Lully, iii. 582. Art of St. George, iii. 436. Articles, the four, of the Ilussites ii 533, 534. the forty-five of Wickliff, ii. 446, 482. Artisson, Robert, the demon, iii. 457.' Artois, Cathari in, 1153, i. HI. Artus III. (Brit.) persecutes witches, iii. 537 Ascalon, siege of, iii. 242. execution of witches, iii. ,396. Asceticism a sign of heresy, i. 87. akin to Maniehaeism, i. 100. of Cathari, i. 96, 101. of St. Dominic, i. 251. of Observantines, iii. 179. of Order of the Temple, iii. 239. of Ortlibenses, ii. 357. of Peter Martyr, ii. 214. of Waldenses, i. 86; ii. 150. influence of, i. 238. Aschaffenburg, C. of, 1292, condemns Beg- hards, ii. 367. Asehersleben, Flagellants of, ii. 408. Ashes of heretics thrown in river, i. 75, 553 • ii. 420, 493 ; iii. 234, 374, 608. Asia, Inq. in, i. 355. Assalit, Arnaud, his accounts, i. 528. Assembly of experts, i. 377, 387, 389, 390. not used in northern France, ii. 123; iii. 367. Assessors in the case of Joan of Arc, iii. 361. Assisi, church of St. Francis in, iii. 4. Assises de Jerusalem, heresy in, i. 356 ; iii. 431. Assistants of inqs., i. 374. Assizes of Clarendon, i. 113, 311, 481. Assyrian Lil and Lilit, iii. 383. Asti, introduction of Inq., i. 322; ii. 221. Astrolabe, punishment for use of, iii. 422. Astrologers employed in behalf of church, ii. 227. burned by Ramiro I., iii. 429. Astrology, forbidden in Rome, iii. 392, 437. its connection with necromancy, iii. 426, 444. permitted in Spain, iii. 430. its origin, iii. 437. tacit toleration in the Middle Ages, iii. 438. condemned as fatalistic, iii. 439. condemned in France, iii. 446. used by Henry III. (Eng.), i. 196. Marsilio Ficino's belief, iii. r>72. Pomponazio's belief, iii. 575. Astruchio da Piera, his heresy, ii. 175. Asylum, right of, denied to heretics, ii. Athelstan, King, on sorcery, iii. 420. Atto of Vercelli on angel- worship, iii. 412. on clerical sorcerers, iii. 416. Aubinas, C. of, in 1208, i. 149. Aubriot, Hughes, case of, ii. 127. Aubry, Huguet, iii. 526, 532. Audeneham, Marshal, defends the Inq., ii. 132 121.