Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/693

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INDEX. Castile, case of Alonzo de Mella, Hi. 169. prosecution of Templars, iii. 316. Templar property, iii. 333. laws on sorcery, iii. 430. astrology condemned, iii. 444. Castores, iii. 395. Castres, seizure of Jean Ricoles at, ii. 83. Waldenses in, ii. 148. Castruccio of Lucca condemned for heresy, iii. 201. Cat, worship of, iii. 263, 496. Catalan Fabri murdered bv Waldenses, ii. 150. Catalano, Fra. his murder, ii. 215. Catalonia, separate Inq. for, ii. 179. Cathari, i. 89. their predominance in Languedoc, i. 135. their growth under the crusades, i. 187, 189, 193. converted byFoulques de Neuilly, i. 244. evidences of, i. 432. of Languedoc, betrayed by Ravmond Gros, ii. 22. their loss at Montscgur, ii. 43. their indomitable zeal, ii. 44, 49, 61. their numbers about 1250, ii. 49. driven to forests and eaves, ii. 52. their revival ii. 71, 104. their extinction in Languedoc, ii. 108. in northern France, ii. 113, 120. their relation with Waldenses, ii. 146, 579. their existence in Aragon, ii. 162, 165. their development in Leon, ii. 181. their numbers in Italy, ii. 193. Milan their headquarters, ii. 194. numerous in Naples, ii. 244. classed with usurers in Venice, ii. 251. their persistence in Italy, ii. 255. of Bosnia, ii. 290. their numbers east of the Adriatic, ii. 297. they welcome the Turks, ii. 307. of Bosnia embrace Islam, ii. 314. their disappearance from Germany, ii. 318. of Orleans, their infernal rites, ii. 334. in Bohemia, ii. 428. their conjectured relations with the Templars, iii. 249. Catharism, causes of its failure, i. 106 ; ii. 254. varieties of, in Piedmont, ii. 256. Catharine de Medicis a Tertiary, i. 268. Catharine Sauve burned, ii. 157. Catharine de la Rochelle, iii. 376. Catharine de Thouars, iii. 469, 487. Catharine, St., of Siena, her stigmata, i. 262 ; ii. 217. on corruption of the Church, iii. 635. Cathedrals, suffering caused by their build- ing, i. 23. Cato, his dread of divination, iii. 397. Gatoptromancy, iii. ; Cauchon, Pierre, Bp. of Beaaraifi, iii. claims Joan ol Arc, in. ;. commence! ber trial, iii. . abandons ber to secular am iii Cauraim, Caltxtinu slain in, ii. 514, Cavalcanti, Aldobrandino, inq., i. :j -j 7. Cazzagazzari, i. 1 15. Cecco d" Ascoli, iii. 441. Ceccone manipulates Savonarola's confes- sions, iii. 23»), 2«  Celestin ill. intercedes for Bo. of Beauvaif i. 11. excommunicates Raymond VI., i. I Celestin IV., his short pontificate, ii Celestin V. protects the Spiritual*, iii. as. his acts annulled,' iii. 36. insulted by Conventuals, iii Celestin, Spiritual antipope, iii. (V.',, 65. Celibacy, clerical, its effect, i. :;, :;i disregarded in Bohemia, ii. 427. Cella, Pierre, joins Dominic, i. 251. his sentences in Querci, i. 405, 469; ii. 30, 579. his lenity to Waldenses, ii. 147. Cellites, ii. 351. Censorship intrusted to Inq., ii. 391 ; iii. 612. Cerdafia, Inq. in, ii. 177. Cesarini, Giuliano, legate to Germany, ii. 529, 630, 531. Cesena, massacre of, i. 559 ; iii. 2<>4. miracle by St. Peter Martyr, ii. 208. Chains for prisoners, i. 487. Chakamim, Egyptian, iii. 387. Chalons, Cathari of, i. 109, 218. C. of, 813, on legacies, i. 29. Champagne, Inq. in, ii. 121, 575. Charlemagne complains of clerical rapacitv, i. 29. establishes episcopal jurisdiction, i. 308. his Missi Dominici, i. 311. his laws on sorcery, iii. 413. Charles IV. (Emp.), his election, iii. 156. his duty to persecute, i. 226. divides the confiscations, i. 507. his submissiveness, ii. 378. represses Flagellants, ii. 382. organizes German Inq., i. 530; ii. 388. increases powers of Inq., ii. 391. confirms John of Poland, ii. 898. sends Rienzo to Avignon, iii. 203. censorship of Inq.. iii. 612. Charles V. (Emp.), cruelty of his code, i. 235. he favors Lullism, iii. 587. Charles II. (Engl.) repeals persecuting laws, i. 353. Charles IV. (France) shares spoils with John XXII., iii. 68. his life attempted by sorcery, iii. 458. Charles V. (France) seizes church revenues, i. 196. forbids destruction of houses, i. 482. aids the Inq., i. 531 ; ii. 126, 155.