Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/694

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678 INDEX. Charles V. (France) orders persecution, ii. 154. monopolizes confiscations, ii. 155. Charles VI. (France), attempts to cure him by sorcery, iii. 465. asserts the Immaculate Conception, iii. 599. Charles VII. (France), his independence of Rome, ii. 134. on Franciscan quarrels, iii. 173. his desperate position, iii. 339. receives Joan of Arc, iii. 343. ennobles the Dare family, iii. 351. abandons Joan of Arc, iii. 359. rehabilitates Joan of Arc, iii. 377. Charles VIII. (France) permits persecution of Waldenses, ii. 159. his relations with Savonarola, iii. 213. proposes a general council, iii. 224. Charles I. (Naples) allows one inq. assistant, i. 374. assists French inqs., i. 395. his rapacity, i. 511, 517, 520. defrays expenses of Inq., i. 525, 527. marries Sanche of Provence, ii. 27. his conquest of Naples, ii. 231. his power in Italy, ii. 232. his active persecution, ii. 245. his letters concerning Inq., ii. 584. his attempts on Constantinople, iii. 618. Charles II. (Naples) divides the confiscations, i. 512. defrays expenses of Inq., i. 526. an eager persecutor, ii. 247, 586. persecutes Spirituals, iii. 39. protects Spirituals, iii. 56. his crusade, iii. 247. Charles III. (Naples) receives inqs., ii. 285. confiscates estate of Bp. of Triveuto, iii. 204. Charles I. (Savoy) orders investigation, ii. 266. pacifies the Waldenses, ii. 267. Charles II. (Navarre), mortuary offering bv, i. 31. Charles de Banville threatened for his toler- ance, ii. 153. Charles Robert (Hungarv), his relations with Bosnia, ii. 299, 301. Charles de Valois, his crusading projects, iii. 247. hangs Enguerrand de Marigny, iii. 451. Charms for endurance of torture, iii. 509. Charroux, Abbey of, lawsuit with, i. 22. Chartres, C. of, 1366, on sorcery, iii. 459. Chatelet of Paris, punishes sorcery, iii. 461. Chiabaudi, Francesco, his witch-trials, iii. 516, 518. Chiaravalle, Abbey of, iii. 92, 99, 102. Chieri, Catharans of, ii. 255. Chiersy, C. of, in 849, i. 217. Chiliasts in Bohemia, ii. 518. Children, crusade of the, i. 147, 268. evidence of, i. 436. responsibility of, ii. 399. Children admitted to Order of Templars, iii 268. devoted to Satan, iii. 382. eaten by witches, iii. 502, 503, 504. frequent Sabbat, iii. 501, 505. unbaptized, killed by witches, iii. 504. of demons, iii. 384. of heretics, disabilities of, i. 321. Chilperic I., his treatment of sorcery, iii. 410. Cliindaswind, his laws on sorcery, iii. 399. Chinon, Templar chiefs detained at, iii. 281, 283. Joan of Arc at, iii. 342. Chiuso, his .torture and constancy, iii. 178. Christ, proclaimed King of Florence by Sa- vonarola, iii. 213. blood of, question as to, ii. 171 ; iii. 127, 166. Cecco's horoscope of, iii. 442, 656. incarnations of, iii. 102. lancing of, on the cross, iii. 46, 207. place of his conception, iii. 603. poverty of — see Poverty. Soldiery of, i. 267. Christann of Prachatitz, ii. 497, 512. Christian V. ( Denmark ) on blasphemv, i. 235. Christian theurgy overcomes pagan, iii. 393. Christianity, pagan influences on, iii. 400. Christine de Pisan on Joan of Arc, iii. 350. Christopher, St., power of his image, i. 49. Christopher of Sweden, his laws on sorcery, iii. 433. Chrysostora, St., on persecution, i. 214. on exc. of the dead, i. 230. denies the power of demons, iii. 380. disbelieves in Incubi, iii. 384. Church, the, i. 1. its corruption explains heresv, i. 54, 129; iii. 163, 164. it enforces persecution, i. 224. its spiritual jurisdiction, i. 309. its early aversion to torture, i. 422. its responsibility for death-penaltv,i. 224, 534; iii. 547. its subordination to the state in France, ii. 57. its repression of magic, iii. 396. its jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 398, 399. its inconsistent views of sorcery, iii. 417. governed by astrology, iii. 438. its responsibility for witchcraft, iii. 505, 512, 544, 546! powerless against witchcraft, iii. 506. its infidelity in 15th cent., iii. 566, 577. its corruption in later Middle Ages, iii. 627, 630. Churches, justice not administered in, i. 223. right of asylum in, ii. 121. pollution of, ii. 440. Churland, magicians in, iii. 403. Cincinnati, Perfectionists in, iii. 102.