Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/695

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INDEX. 079 Cinthio, Legate, judges Henry Minneke, i. 315- ii. 325, 330. Circumcisi, i. 88. Ciruelo on Ars Notoria, iii. 436. Cistercians undertake conversion of Albi- genses, i. 142. abandon their missions, i. 144. preach the crusade, i. 147. clerical opposition to them, i. 281. their penalties for sorcery, iii. 455. Citation, secrecy of, i. 406. Citeaux, Abbey of, payments to, ii. 2. Citizen, duty of, to aid Inq., i. 340, 386. Civil Law, revival of the, i. 58. Claessens, his defence of the Church, iii. 646. Clamme, Waldenses of, ii. 347. Clareni, the, iii. 40, 65. Claudius of Turin, i. 217. Clavelt, persecution at, ii. 337. Clement IV. demands release of Bp. of Ve- rona, i. 12. supports the Mendicants, i. 287, 289. intervenes in quarrels of Mendicants, i. 302, 303. confirms episcopal concurrence in sen- tences, i. 335. enforces bull ad extirpanda, i. 339. enlarges powers of inqs., i. 357. on episcopal jurisdiction, i. 358. on withholding witnesses' names, i. 438. on unfulfilled penance, i. 475, 548. on confiscation, i. 504. on parsimony of bishops, i. 525. on Jewish books, l. 555. on apostate Jews, ii. 63. persecutes heretics of Rousset, ii. 118. enlarges power of Burgundian provin- cial, iii. 141. stimulates the Inq., ii. 230. aids the Angevine conquest of Naples, ii.231. tries Manfred for heresy, iii. 193. allows Franciscans to receive legacies, iii. 29. favors the Templars, iii. 242. patronizes Roger Bacon, iii. 552. represses simony, iii. 626. Clement V., his election, ii. 91. his plunder of churches, i. 17. increases episcopal responsibility, i. 335, 358; ii. 96. on punishment of inqs., i. 344. restricts number of familiars, i. 383. requires episcopal concurrence, i. 387. restricts use of torture, i. 424. on abuses of Inq., i. 453, 478. investigates Inq. of Languedoc, i. 493 ; ii. 85, 92, 571. intercedes for Carcassonne, ii. 90. fails to secure trial of prisoners, il 94, 572. protects the Jews, ii. 96. his condemnation of Beguines, ii. 369. Clement V. order! trial of B «'aa- tenet, ii. 572. on the heretic! of Langres, ii. . r >78. protect! the Spiritual!, iii >, 81. prosecutes Italian Spiritual*, iii ordera crusades against Dolcino iii 114 116, 11«. ■upprease! the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 136. seizes Fen ma. iii. 194. summons de Molav to France, iii. 848. disregard! acc u sation! of Templars, iii. 258. his indignation at the Templar an iii. 277. orders arrest of Templars throughout . Europe, iii. 278, 285, 298, 802, 309, 810, 316. suspends proceedings in France, iii. comes to an agreement with Philippe, iii. 281. orders proceedings resumed, iii. 282. his bulls of Aug. 12, 1808, iii. 284. his orders to use torture, iii. 286, 300, 310,312,318. urges prosecution in Germany, iii. 303. sends commission to States of the Church, iii. 305. orders relapsed Templars burned, iii. 308. abolishes the Temple without condem- nation, iii. 321. endeavors to secure Templar property, iii. 329. assumes Templar property in Morea, iii. 333. his death, ii. 98, 372 ; iii. 326. Clement VI. on emperor's dutv to persecute, i. 225. defends the Mendicants, i. 290. revives office of inq. -general, i. 398. prosecutes inqs., i. 511. extends Inq. over Touraine, ii. 126. persecutes Waldenses, ii. 152, 170. decides as to the blood of Christ, ii. 171. orders investigation of Lombard Inq., ii. 269. his proceedings against Florence, ii. 277. punishes apostate Jews, ii. 284. his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 303. reproves Charles, IV., ii. 378. prohibits Flagellants as heretics, ii. 383. on benefices for minors, ii. 432. grants the cup to John of Normandy, ii. 473. refuses submission of Louis of Bavaria, iii. 156. form of absolution imposed on Germany, iii. 157. persecutes the Fraticelli, iii. 160. warns the East against Fratioelli, iii. 167. orders Jayme Justi prosecuted, iii. 168. encourages Gentile of Spoleto, iii. 171. proceedings against the MatTYedi. iii. 203. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617.