Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/707

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INDEX. 091 Frederic II. (Emp.), his legislation on heresy i. 320. embodied in public law, i. 227. ordered entered in all local statutes i. 339; ii. 214, 221. introduced in Provence, ii. 148. refused by Rimini, ii. 198. introduced in Brescia, ii. 199. rejected by Venice, ii. 250, 252. suspended in Tuscany, ii. 243. Frederic III. (Emp.), his attempt on Bohe- mia, ii. 540. intercedes for Bohemia, ii. 558. imprisons Andreas of Krain, iii. 223. Frederic of Naples, confirms VValdensian privileges, ii. 268. Frederic of Trinacria, acknowledged by Bon- iface VIII., ii. 248. his relations with Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 52, 54, 57. he protects Spirituals, iii. 63. is the expected deliverer, iii. 80, 110, 112. he arrests the Templars, iii. 305. on clerical corruption, iii. 631. Frederic III. (Sicily), supports the Inq., i. 531; ii. 285. Frederic of Alvensleben, iii. 324. Frederic of Austria, his disputed election, iii. 135. refuses aid of Satan, iii. 456. Frederic of Blankenheim, Bp. of Strassburg, iii. 205. Frederic, Bp. of Ratisbon, ii. 434. Frederic of Salm, the Templar, iii. 303. Free Companies, origin of, i. 125. Frequency of burning, i. 549. Frevssinieres, Waldenses of, persecuted, ii. 147, 154, 157, 160. emigration from, ii. 268. Friends of God, ii. 362. Frisia, no laws on sorcery, iii. 433. Frisians, their troubles with their bps., iii. 185. Froissart, his account of demon Orton, iii. 383. Fuero Juzgo, laws on sorcery in, iii. 399. its authority in 11th cent., iii. 430. Fuero Real, laws on heresy in, ii. 183. Fulcrand, Bp. of Toulouse, i. 134. Fiinfkirchen, concubinary priests of, ii. 543. GABRIELE DE BARCELONA, ii. 283. Gabriele, pope of Fraticelli, iii. 164. Gaerbald of Liege on sorcery, iii. 413. Gage, Thomas, debates on the Immaculate Conception, iii. 609. Galder, iii. 404. Galeazzo Visconti, condemned for heresy, iii. 201. Gall of Neuburg, inq. in Prague, ii. 431. Gallican Church, its privileges, ii Ii I Gallo, Piero, bii conversion, ii. B Galosna, Anton Galran the VValdensian, ii. 7. Garbagnate, Francesco, iii. 96, I Garbagnate, Mirano di, burned, iii. 101. Garigu, Piero, the Bon of Cod, iii. !• Garments, male, worn by Joan 61 Axe, iii. 862, 868, 371. Carrie, Bernard, i. 881. Carrie, Guilleni, case of, i. 881, 419, 461 517; ii. 59, 70, 95. GaSCOny, prevalence of heresy in, i. 118. Caston de Beam, i. 166, 171. Gastone of Milan, revives episcopal Inq., i. 359. Gaudini, Templar Gr. Master, iii. 246, Gauls, their lustful spirits, iii. :.- Catitier de Montbrun, his memory attacked, ii. 72. Gavarnie, Templar relies at, iii. 328. Gazzati, i. 115. Celasius I. on exc. of the Dead, L 21 Cemistus Plethou, iii. 569. Geneva, contest over Inq. in, ii. 188. witches burned in, iii. 54'.'. Genoa, bull Ad extir/ja?tda forced upon, i. 339. Genseric persecutes Catholics, i. 216. Gentile of Camerino, protects the Fraticelli, iii. 160. Gentile of Spoleto, iii. 171. Geoffroi d'Ablis appointed inq., ii. 81. relieves Carcassonne, ii. 70. disables viguier of Albi, i. 380. attacks Pequigny, ii. 83, 85. his services to Philippe IV., ii. 87. his defence, ii. 92, 93. deprived of control of prisons, i. 493. his delay in sentencing, ii. 94, 95. his activity in 1308-9, ii. 1<>4, 106. tomb erected to him, ii. 108. Geoffroi de Cham bonnet, iii. 293, 297. Geoffroi de Charney, iii. 273, 325. Geoffroi de Peronne, i. 13. Geoffroi de Saint-Adhemar, iii. 238. George Podiebrad, his mission to Louis XI., ii. 521. captures Mt. Tabor, ii. 536, 540. supreme in Bohemia, ii. 540. his reactionary concessions, ii. 546. summoned by Capistrano, ii. 640, 551. his coronation, ii. 566. condemned as heretic, ii. 558. his vassals released from allegiance, ii. 469. protects Gregory of Reimburse, ii. 418. his reverses and death, ii. 669. George, Bp. of Passau, his humanity, ii. 517. Gerald of Abbeville attacks the Mendicants, i. 287. Gerald de Blumac, ii. 92.