Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/708

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692 INDEX. Gerard of Besancon, his trial, i. 14. Gerard Odo, Franciscan general, iii. 143, 148. his troubles with the Divine Vision, iii. 593, 595. Gerhard the Catharan of Oxford, i. 105. Geraud, Bishop of Albi, ii. 68, 95. Geraud de Motte burned, i. 201. Geraud de Puy-Germer, case of, i. 522. Gerbald, case of, i. 36. Gerbert of Aurillac — see Silvester II. Gerhard, Conrad of Marburg's assistant, ii. 328, 341. Gerhard von Elten tries John of Wesel, ii. 421. Gerhardt I. of Bremen supported by the Stedingers, iii. 184. Gerhardt II. of Bremen attacks the Stedin- gers, iii. 184. Germain l'Auxerrois, St., iii. 495. Germain Frevier, case of, iii. 152. Germanicus Caesar, his death, iii. 390. Germany, Cathari in, i. 110, 112. the Scriptures in Metz and Treves, i. 131. legislation on heresy, i. 221, 320. crueltv of criminal law, i. 235. Flagel'iants in 1260, i. 272. Dominican Iuq. in, i. 301. independence of episcopate, i. 332. episcopal Inq. in, i. 360. age of witnesses, i. 436. confiscation, i. 503, 507. expenses of Inq., i. 530. career of Inq., ii. 316. papal demands for tithes, ii. 432. corruption of Church, ii. 527. Card. Cesarini's description, ii. 531. invasion of Hussite ideas, ii. 532. complaint of suppression of Basilian canons, ii. 556. Louis of Bavaria and the papacy, iii. 135. Franciscan favor towards Louis, iii. 153. absolution imposed by Clement VI., iii. 157. effect of Great Schism, iii. 205, 207. fate of Templars, iii. 302, 324. legislation on sorcery, iii. 432. censorship of books, iii. 612, 614. its condition invites the Reformation, iii. 648. Geroch of Reichersperg on militarv prelates, i. 11. on concubinary priests, i. 63. Geronimo d'Aseoli — see Xicholas rV. Gerson. John, his hostilitv to the Mendicants, i. 292. on toleration, i. 541. condemns Brethren of Free Spirit, ii. 1 27, 405. condemns John of Rysbroek, ii. 360. condemns Flngellants, ii. 384. defends Beguines, ii. 410. Gerson, John, on use of cup by laity, ii. 474. his list of Huss's errors, ii. 481. his rancor against Jerome of Prague, ii. 495, 498, 501. on case of Jean Petit, iii. 336. on Joan of Arc, iii. 352. his assertion of sorcery, iii. 465. on Averrhuism, iii. 565. condemns the Art of Lully, iii. 583. on papal simony, iii. 629. Gervais of Tilbury, his adventure with a Catharan, i. 111. Ghent, Beguinage of, ii. 353, 413. immorality in, iii. 642. Gherardo, legate, attacks Bosnian Cathari, ii. 302. Gherardo da Borgo San Donnino, iii. 19, 22, 24. Gherardo of Florence, case of, i. 405, 523. Gherardo of Monforte, i. ;04, 109. Ghibellines, their protection of heresy, ii. 192, 197, 209. defeated in Florence, ii. 212. persecuted by Inq., ii. 236 ; iii. 201. Giacomo della Marca, ii. 171. preaches on the blood of Christ, ii. 172. his labors in Bosnia, ii. 308. crushes Hungarian Hussites, ii. 542. preaches crusade against Turks, ii. 555. his account of Fraticelli, iii. 164. threatens Sixtus IV., iii. 174. suppresses Fraticelli, iii. 176. Giacomo of Turin endeavors to suppress Wal- denses, ii. 195. Giacopo della Chiusa attempts to murder Rai- nerio, ii. 215. Giacopo, Bp. of Fermo, favors the Fraticelli, iii. 159. ! Giacopo of Palestrina, his efforts in Bosnia, ii. 294. Giacopo di San Gemignano, iii. 62. Giacopo di Voragine on Peter Martvr, ii. 216. , Gieremia the heresiarch recants, ii. 234. Gilbert of Gemblours on condition of the Church, i. 39, 53. Giles Cantor, ii. 405. Gilio, disciple of St. Fmncis, i. 264; iii. 4, 28. Gilles Flameng, iii. 523, 530. Gilles de Sille, iii. 479,488. Gilles, Abp. of Bourges, impoverished by Clement V., i. 17. Gilles, Abp. of Xarbonne, condemns Olivists, iii. 50. Giordano da Rival to on absence of heresy, ii. 276. Giorgio di Casale, inq., persecutes witches, iii. 546. Giovacchino di Fiore — see Joachim. Giovanni Borelli — see John of Parma. Giovanni di Borgo, inq., persecutes Fraticelli, iii. 159. | Giovanni da Casemario, ii. 292. I Giovanni di Murro, iii. 42, 44.