Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/717

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INDEX. 701 Italy, Flagellants in 1448, ii. 409. {Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 32. their rebellion, iii. 62. Guglielma of Milan, iii. 90. Segarelli and Dolcino, iii. 103. development of Fraticelli, iii. 158. papal policy of conquests, iii. 189. John XXII.'s action inLombardv,iii.l97. Rienzo and the Maffredi, iii. 203. Savonarola, iii. 209. proceedings against Templars, iii. 304. legislation on sorcery, iii. 431. astrology in, iii. 440. witchcraft in, iii. 518, 546. humanism in, iii. 566. moral degradation, iii. 643. Ithacius prosecutes Priscillian, i. 213, 215. Ives Gilemme burned for sorcery, iii. 465. Ivo of Chartres on persecution, i. 224. on condemnation of dead, i. 231. on sorcery, iii. 417. Izeshne rite, Mazdean^ii. 472. JACOB V. HOCHSTRATEN and John Reuchlin, ii. 424. Jacob of Soest prosecutes John Malkaw, iii. 207. Jacob of Wodnan, ii. 566. Jacobel of Mies restores cup to laity, ii. 470. Jacobins, founding of the, i. 255. Jacobines converted by Dominicans, i. 297. Jacopo da Brescia, iii. 568. Jacopo della Chiusa, case of, i. 394. Jacopone da Todi, i. 263 ; iii. 41, 104, 554. Jacquerie of Savoy in 1365, ii. 260. Jacques Autier, ii. 106. Jacques Bernard persecutes Waldenses, ii. 150. Jacques de More, his activity, ii. 126. Jacques de Polignac, his frauds, i. 490, 521. Jacquette of Bedford accused of sorcery, iii. 468. Jailers, rules for, i. 492. Jamnici, ii. 566. Janevisio, Bartolo, his heresy, ii. 176. Jannes and Jambres, iii. 387. Jaquerius, his Flagellum, iii. 538. on origin of Sabbat, iii. 497. on death-penalty, iii. 515. Jarnsida, punishment of sorcery in, iii. 432. Jayme I. (Aragon) is a hostage with de Mont- fort, i. 166, 177. asks for Inq., ii. 168. laws against heresy, i. 319 ; ii. 163. complains of Bern, de Caux, i. 394. changes Inq. in Narbonne, ii. 46. his laws on sorcery, iii. 430. Jayme II. (Aragon), his relations with Ar- naldo de Vilanova, iii. 52-56. proceeds against Templars, iii. 310, 311, 323,332. Jayme II. (Aragon), founds Order of Montesa, iii. 888. Jayme 1. (Majorca) IITWta tbc Tonpbui iii 314. Jayme, Fray, of Minorca, ii. 89, Jean d'Auiant, of, iii. I Jean, lip. of Anas, bia cardinalate, ii. 188. Jean d'Aiais, his zeal in «mfiscatin Jean d'Aumones, hid reception in Temple, iii. 270. Jean Bawdier, case of, i. 517 ; ii. '.'•">, 1 12. Jean de Beaumont suppresses Trencavel'i in- surrection, ii. 20. Jean de Beaune imprisons Bernard Deiicieai ii. 101. reconciles Albi and Cordes, ii. 102. defends bull Quommdam, iii. 71. starts the question of the poverty of Christ, iii. 180. Jean aux Bellesmains opposes Waldo, i. 78. Jean Bertram!, Templar, case of, iii. 296. Jean de Bourgogne, inq. of Templars, iii. 816 316. Jean de Brescain, his errors condemned, iii. 561. Jean V. (Britannv), and Gilles de Rais, iii. 469,471,477. ' Jean de Cormele, Templar, case of, iii. 288. Jean Duprat, Inq. of Carcassonne, ii. 60, 1U8 ; iii. 76. Jean de Faugoux, ii. 92. Jean Galande, cruelty of, ii. 58. Jean de Gorelle, his errors, i. 292. Jean Graveran, Inq. of Rouen, ii. 140 ; iii. 363. Jean de Jandun aids Louis of Bavaria, iii. 189. Jean Langlois rejects trausubstantiation, ii. 144. Jean de Lorraine,Waldensian teacher, ii. 149, Jean de Luxembourg and Joan of Arc, iii. 356, 358. Jean le Maitre, inq., tries Joan of Arc. iii. 362,371,372,378. Jean de Malestroit, Bp. of Nantes, iii. 477, 478, 489. Jean Martin on falsification of records, ii. 72. Jean de Maueochin forced to take oath of obedience, i. 385. Jean de Notoyra appointed inq., ii. 21. Jean de Penne draws appeal for Caste! Fain i, ii. 74. Jean de Pequiswy sent to Languedoc, ii. 77. his struggle with the Inq., ii. 79, 82, S'-i, 84. his deatli and rehabilitation, ii. 85. Jean sans Peur murders Louis of Orleans, hi. 334. Jean Philibert, case of, ii. 148. Jean Pieive Donat, case of, ii. 7. Jean de Poilly on confession to friars, L 290. vitality of his doctrine, i. 291, 292, 293, 294"; ii. 142. Jean Prime, his persecution, iii. 51.