Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/723

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Louis IX. (France) is a Franciscan Tertiary, i. 268. his legislation on heresy, i. 221, 323. checks use of torture, i. 4 2:. on inquisitorial process, i. 443. supplies prisons for Inq., i. 490. his relations to confiscation, i. 503 508 509,513,514, 515, 517, 524. defrays expenses of Inq., i. 527. orders Talmud burned, i. 555. his relations with Raymond VII ii 3 15, 24, 39, 47. his independence of the papacy, ii. 57. restores forfeited lands, ii. lit), his detestation of heresy, ii. 113. supports Robert le Bugre, ii. 115. stimulates the Inq., ii. 117. favors the Beguines, ii. 352. Louis X. (France) adopts the laws of Fred- eric II., i. 323 ; ii. 102. Louis XI. (France) annuls the Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 134. suppresses Inq. in Dauphine, ii. 159. protects Waldenses of Savoy, ii. 206. Louis XII. (France) protects the Waldenses, ii. 160. Louis XIII. (France) suppresses St. Amour's book, i. 288. Louis of Bavaria (Emp.), his disputed elec- tion, iii. 135. his rupture with John XXII., ii. 377 ; hi. 145, 149. his alliance with the Franciscans, iii. 137. persecutes ecclesiastics, iii. 153. said to be antichrist, iii. 87. uses the Divine A r ision, iii. 593. his death, iii. 157. Louis of Bourbon, Card., on sorcerv, iii. 466. Louis of Hungary, his action in Bosnia, ii. 303. his crusade against the Maffredi, iii. 203. Louis of Orleans, murder of, iii. 334. accused of sorcery, iii. 465, 466. Louis, Bp. of Paris, favors Jean Laillier, ii. 143. Louis of Willenberg, inq. of Germany, ii. 387. Loup-garou, ii. 145; iii. 391. Love-potions — see Philtres. Lubec, Dolcinist burned in, ii. 402. Lucas of Piague visits Waldenses of Savoy, ii. 267. Lucas of Tuy on oaths to heretics, i. 229. on guilt of heresy, i. 236. on episcopal indifference, i. 315. on Cathari in Leon, ii. 181. Lucchino Visconti seeks burial for Matteo, iii. 202. Luciferans, i. 106. derived from Amaurians, ii. 324. case of Henry Minneke, ii. 325. Luciferans in Treves in 1181, ii. persecuted by Conrad <>( Marba their hideout rites, ii. • a bianch of Ortlibenses, ii. their numberi in Austi la, ii. 81 their persecution, i. 456 ; ii. 875, 876. among Flagellants, ii. I in Bohemia, ii. 429. Lucius III. condemns tin- Amaldistas, i. 75. condemns the Waldenses, . his decree of 1 184, i. 126. on duty of persecution, i. 224«  exe. all heretics, i. 281. prohibits ordeals, i. 806. abolishes monastic exemption, i. 861«  attempts to found an episcopal Inq., i. 818, on confiscation, i. 502. decrees death for relapse, i. 548. Lugardi, Enrico, his forged diploma of Fred- eric II., ii. 287. Luigi di Duraz/.o, his rebellion, ii. 281 ; iii. 1 65. Luke, Abp. of Gran, i. 18. Luke, St., his portrait of the Virgin, i. 48. contest over his reiics, ii. 315. Lullists, their extravagances, iii. 583, 585, 586. defend the Immaculate Conception, iii. 584, 599. Lully, Raymond, iii. 563. 578. condemned as a heretic, ii. 176 ; iii. 587, 588. his beatification, iii. 589. his writings, iii. 581. contest over them, iii. 5R4. Lunel, Olivists burned, iii. 77. Lupoid, Bp. of Worms, i. 11. Luserna, Waldensian valley of, ii. 195, 260, 265. Luther, not tried by Inq., ii. 284. his first steps in reform, ii. 425. Lyblac, or sorcery, iii. 4'Ji». Lycanthropi, ii. 145; iii. 391. Lvons, Feast of the Conception at, iii. 596. C. of, 1244, deposes Fred. II. i. 27"). C. of, 1274, on Mendicant Orders, ii. 367; iii. 32. its commands eluded, iii. 105. plans to unite the Military Orders, iii. 245. MACEDONIA, Paulictanism in, i. 107. Muadishc, iii. 601, 604. Madrid, Feast of the Conception at, iii. 600. Maestrieht, Flagellants expelled, ii. 403. Maffredi, case of the, iii. 203. Magdeburg, persecution of Bernards, ii. 374. Flagellants prohibited, ii. 882, heretics burned by Kerlingcr, ii. 390.