Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/724

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708 INDEX. Magdeburg, expulsion of abp., ii. 532. fate of Templars, iii. 301. C. of, persecutes Beghards, ii. 401. Magic used to detect heretics, i. 306. death of Benedict XI. attributed to, iii. 65. its antiquity, iii. 386. prohibited in Rome, iii. 392, 393. of the Norsemen, iii. 402. Magic, sacred, of mediaeval religion, i. 47. to preserve from witchcraft, iii. 506, 511. to overcome taciturnity, iii. 510. Magistrates sworn to punish heresy, i. 321. Magnalata, its destruction by Martin V., iii. 176. Magnus Hakonsen, his laws on sorcery, iii. 433. Magonia, iii. 415. Maguelonne, Bp. of, buys Melgueil, i. 180. Maguineth, iii. 270. Maheu, Bp. of Toul, his trial, i. 14. Mahomet II., conquers Bosnia, ii. 313. his defeat at Belgrade, ii. 554. Maifreda da Pirovano^ hi. 91, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101. Maimonides on Divine knowledge, iii. 558. Mainatse, i. 125. Maillotins release Hugues Aubriot, ii. 129. Mainhard of Rosenberg, ii. 540, 541. Maine, Inq. extended to, ii. 126. Maintenance of prisoners, i. 490; ii. 155. Mainz, "Waldenses burned in 1392, ii. 397. Beguines persecuted, ii. 404. resistance to papal exactions, ii. 434. treatment of Templars in, iii. 303. C. of, 813, on legacies, i. 29. C. of 1233, on heresy, i. 507; ii. 339. assembly of, 1233, on Count Sayn, ii. 340. C. of, 1234, absolves Count Sayn. ii. 344. C. of, 1259, condemns the Beguines, ii. 354. C. of, 1261, on pardoners, i. 46. condemns heresy, ii. 348. C. of, 1310, condemns Beghards, ii. 367. Maistre. Joseph de, his error, i. 228. Majestas, confiscation in, i. 501. Majorales, Waldensian, i. 84. Majorca, French possessions of, ii. 88. Inq. in, ii. 177. Franciscan quarrels, iii. 174. proceedings against Templars in, iii. 314, 332. Malatesta, Gismondo, case of, iii. 569. Malcolzati, Sibilia, iii. 95, 101. Malebranca, Latino, inq.-general, i. 398. Malignity invalidates evidence, i. 436 ; iii. 517. Malkaw, John, his career, iii. 205. Malleus Maleficamm, the, iii. 543. Manenta Rosa, case of, i. 366. Manfred of Sicilv releases Bp. of Verona, i. 12. papal hatred of him, ii. 228. Manfred of Sicily, crusade against, how stim- ulated, iii. 626. his trial for heresy, iii. 193. his defeat and death, ii. 232. his practical tolerance, ii. 245. he spreads Averrhoism, iii. 661. Manfredo, inq., burns Segarelli, iii. 107. Manfredo Clitoro, his murder of inqs., ii. 215. Manfredo di Donavia, inq., iii. 97. Manfredo di Sesto, case of, i. 461. Manichaeans detected by paleness, i. 110, 214, 306. under Roman law. i. 409. refuse the cup to the laity, ii. 472. Manichasism, i. 90, 107. Manoel of Portugal revives the Inq., ii. 190. Mantua, Catharan bp., in 1273, ii. 239. bull ad extirpauda forced upon, i. 339. mont de piete established, ii. 275. assembly of, ii. 417. Mapes, Walter, on Waldenses, i. 78. on spread of heresy, i. 127. on the Military Orders, iii. 243. Marchisio Secco, iii. 91, 102. Marcus Aurelius, his belief in charms, iii. 391. his recourse to Christ, iii. 394. Mare Magnum, i. 274. Margheriia di Trank. iii. 112. Marsot de la Bane, burned for sorcery, iii. 461. Marguerite la Porete, ii. 123, 575. Manruerite of Saluces, her intolerant zeal, ii. 267. Maria Roberta, case of, i. 520. Marie du Canech, case of, i. 479; ii. 133. Marie de Rais, iii. 488. Mariolatry, Olivi rebuked for, iii. 43. growth of, iii. 597. Marion l'Estalee burned for sorcery, iii. 461. Marmande, massacre of, i. 187. Marriage forbidden among Cathari, i. 97. dissolution of, by sorcery, iii. 418. Marseilles, quarrels between Mendicants in, i. 302. seized by Raymond TIL, ii. 23. the four martyrs of, iii. 73, 80. rigor of Inq. there, iii. 78. Marsiglio of Padua on heresy, ii. 377. his political theories, iii. 139. on clerical corruption, iii. 632. Martin IV. favors the Mendicants, i. 289. grants special privileges to Florence, i- 525. denies asylum to heretics, ii. 121. orders crusade pgainst Aragon, ii. 248" iii. 190. confiscates debts due to Forli, iii. 196. Martin V., his election, ii. 510. favors the Dominicans, i. 303. subjects inqs. to provincials, i. 346. orders Inq. in Denmark, i. 355. dispenses for age, i. 374. restores Geneva to Dominicans, ii. 133-