Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/731

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INDEX. 715 Pantaleone, St., inq., i. 355. Pantheism of the Amaurians, ii. 320. its application to Satan, ii. 32X, 358. developed by the Ortlibenses, ii. 356. Master Eckart accused of, i. :>61 ; ii. 359. Paoluccio da Triuci of Foliguo, iii. 160, 171. Papacy, supremacy of, i. 1. acquires power of appointment, i. 6. appeals to, i. 450. disobedience to, a heresy, i. 229 ; iii. 181, 192, 616, 617. Papal archives transferred to Paris, iii. 319. authority denied by Olivists, iii. 73. bulls against sorcery, iii. 453. against witchcraft, iii. 502, 506, 512, 537, 540, 546, 547. claims on the empire, iii. 135. commissioners, Mendicants used as, i. 276. crusades to further temporal interests, i. 44; iii. 190. dispensation for vows, iii. 28, 77. exactions in Germany, ii. 432, 556. favor for Mendicant Orders, i. 273. for Military Orders, iii. 241. Inq., its effectiveness, i. 364. interests more important than Palestine, iii. 189, 193. interference with Inq., i. 452. letters, abuse of, i. 18. forgery of, i. 19. progresses, their ruinous character, i. 17. repugnance for general councils, ii. 530. Papelards, ii. 322. Paramo on trial of Adam and Eve, i. 406. on number of witches burned, iii. 549. Pardoners — see Qucestuarii. Pardons reserved to Holy See, i. 333, 495. Parenti, Giov., Franciscan general, iii. 4, 5. Parete Calvo, the, iii. 114, 119. Paris, Treaty of, in 1229, i. 203. Dominican Order introduced, i. 255. restriction on bearing arms, i. 382. first auto de fe at, ii. 123. Turelupins in, ii. 126. case of Hugues Aubriot, ii. 127. the Black Death in, ii. 379. Inq. of, jurisdiction extended, ii. 51, 118, 119. demands Joan of Arc's trial, iii. 360. C. of, 829, on sorcery, iii. 414. C. of, 1212, on sorcery, iii. 423. C. of, 1350, on episcopal Inq., i. 363. (See also University of Paris.) Parlement of Paris, extension of its jurisdic- tion, ii. 57. assumes supreme spiritual jurisdiction, ii. 130, 131, 133, 144. defends the Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 134. condemns Jean Laillier, ii. 143. assumes jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 428, 460, 512. Parlement of Paris, laws again* UttvloCT, iii. 446. rehabilitates Vaudoi- of Aria-, ni. BS9. Parma, Knights of Jesus Christ founded ii. 210. revolt against Inq., ii. ! Gherardo Segarelli, iii. 108, Id?. Partenay, Sire de, Iii- cast , i 461 . K, 114. Paschal II. on converted hen tie-, i. in. on communion, ii. 172. his heresy, iii. 181. Pasquale, Bart., condemns iritcbes, iii. Passagii, i Passau, the inq. of, i. 54, 128; ii expulsion of bp., ii. 532. Passerino of Mantua, iii. 197, 201. Pastoralis prceeminentia, bull, iii. 27^. 307, 31o, 814. Pastonreanx, the, i. 209 ; ii. I Pastourel replaces Joan of Are, iii. .'577. Pastrae, Martin, his capture, ii. 20»). , Patarins, i. 114. Paternon, Filippo, Catharan bp., i. 828. Patrick, St., his Lorica, iii. 400. C. of, on sorcery, iii. 417. Patrimony of Peter, Templars in, iii. | Paul II. condemns Podiebrad as heretic, ii. 558. orders crusade against Bohemia, ii. 5^9. converts Fraticelli, iii. 178. on Agmis Dei, iii. 410. his trouble with the Academy, iii. 570. Paul III. defends Savonarola's memory, iii. 236. Paul IV. examines Savonarola's works, iii. 236. condemns Lully, iii. 587. forbids discussion on Immaculate Con- ception, iii. 608. Paul V. allows Jesuats to take orders, iii. 171. condemns Lully, iii. 588. forbids discussion on Immaculate Con- ception, iii. 608. on heresy of martyrdom for Immaculate Conception, iii. 610. Paul, St., on persecution and toleration, i. 209. his triumph over magicians, iii. 394. Paul Klesic, Bosnian vojvode, ii. 305. Paul of Samosata, i. 90. Paulicianism, i. 90. Pavo, Antonio, slain at Briearax, ii. 261. Pa via, C. of, 850, on philtres, iii. 416. Peasantry, their abject condition, i. 269. Bosnian, aid the Turkish conquest, ii. 306. Bohemian, reduced to serfdom, ii. B their svmpathv with the Stedingers, iii. 185. Peckham, Abp., condemns Averrhoisra, i. 352: iii. 562. Pecuniarv penances, i. 331, 471. Pedro I. "(Aragon) subjects Aragon to Holy See, i. 157.