Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/732

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716 INDEX. Pedro II.(Aragon) persecutes Waldenses,i. 81. his relations with Raymond VI., i. 132. refuses to persecute, i. 140. his character, i. 157. intervenes in Languedoc, i. 170. is slain at Muret, i. 177. Pedro III. (Aragon) obtains Sicily, ii. 248. crusade against him, iii. 190. Pedro IV. (Aragon) his faith in astrology, iii. 444. defends the Lullists, iii. 584. Pedro the Cruel, his faith in astrology, iii. 444. Pedro Arbalate organizes Inq. in Aragon, ii. 167. Pedro de Cadreyta, his martyrdom, ii. 169. Pedro de Ceplanes, his heresy, ii. 176. Pedro Freserii, case of, ii. 178. Pedro de Lugo, iii. 106, 123. Pedro de Luna — see Benedict XIII. Pedro de Osma, his trial, ii. 187. Pedro de Tonenes, Inq. of Aragon, ii. 169. Peine forte et dure, i. 447. Peitavin Borsier, ii. 11. Pelagius I., urges persecution, i. 215. Pelagonia destroyed by crusaders, i. 107. Pelayo, Al vara, on embezzlement by inq. i. 5 1 1 . on Dolcino, iii. 123. on poverty, iii. 131. on incubi, iii. 385. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 598. on clerical corruption, iii. 632. on corruption of the laity, iii. 642. Pelisson, Guillem, his activity, ii. 10. Penalties of heresy, uncertainty of, i. 308. as inflicted by Inq., i. 459, 501, 534. Penance, unfulfilled, i. 396, 475, 548. inquisitorial, i. 459, 462. commutations of, i. 473. of imprisonment, i. 484. power to modify reserved, i. 495. of shaving the head, ii. 336. for Templar sacrilege, iii. 275. unauthorized, of Flagellants, ii. 383. for sorcery, iii. 413. Penhaiben. case of, iii. 388. Peniscola, Fraticellian pope at, iii. 175. Penitence, Brethren of, i. 267. sacrament of, its sale, i. 27. Penitents, their confessions recorded, i. 379. surveillance over, i. 386, 497. their abjuration in autos defe, i. 392. Perfectibility of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, ii. 356. in the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124. Perfectionists in Cincinnati, iii. 102. Perfects, Waldensian, i. 84. Catharan, i. 93, 103. Perigord, heretics in, i. 72. Bp. of. tortures Templars, iii. 287. Perjurers, crosses for, i. 468. Perjury, papal dispensations for, ii. 470. Peronne, heretics burned at, ii. 115. Peronne of Britanny, burned, iii. 376. Perosa, Waldensian vallev of, ii. 195, 259, 263. Persant, Jean de, burned for sorcery, iii. 455. Persecution, i. 209. dependent on confiscation, i. 529. its influence on morals, iii. 641. its consequences, iii. 645. Perugia, laws restricting the Inq., ii. 280. Chapter of, in 1322, on the poverty of Christ, iii. 132. headquarters of Fraticelli, iii. 164, 166. Peter, St., his triumph over Simon Magus, iii. 393. Peter of Abano, iii. 440, 445. Peter Balsamo, case of, i. 460. Peter of Benevento, Cardinal, his fraud, i. 178. Peter of Berne, iii. 504, 510, 534. Peter of Blois refuses a bishopric, i. 13. on episcopal ordinaries, i. 22. on power of magic, iii. 418. on Virgin Mary, iii. 597. Peter Cantor on clerical abuses, i. 13, 20, 23, 28, 52. his tolerance, i. 220. aids Foulques de Nenilly, i. 244. disapproves of ordeal, i. 306. Peter Chelcieky reproaches Taborites, ii. 524. his influence, ii. 561, 562. Peter the Celestinian as inq., i. 301, 398. Peter Damiani on character of clergy, i. 7. on redemption of penance, i. 41. Peter of Dresden sn^ests communion in both elements, ii. 471. Peter Lombard on torment of the damned, i. 241. attacked by Joachim of Flora, iii. 13. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 5^6. Peter Martyr, St. — see Pietro da Verona. Peter, Abp. of Mainz, favors the Terapiai s, iii. 303. Peter of Pilichdorf, pseudo, ii. 398. Peter of S. Chrvsogono refuses a bribe, i. 7, 121. Peter the Venerable refutes the Koran, i. 58. confutes the Petrobrusians, i. 69. on the Talmud, i. 554. Peter Waldo — see Waldo. Petit, Jean, case of, iii. 334. accuses Louis of Orleans of sorcery, iii. 466. Petosiris, iii. 437. Petrarch on John XXII., iii. 197. on astrology, iii. 444. on Averrhoism. iii. 564. on papal court, iii. 633. Petrobrusians, the, i. 68. Petroc, St., theft of his relics, i. 48. Petronilla, burned for sorcery, iii. 457. Petronille de Valette burned for sorcery, iii. 428. Pexariacho, de, ii. 127. Pezenas, Olivists burned, iii. 77.