Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/733

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INDEX. 17 Pfalz, witches burned at, iii. 549. Pfefferkorn, his quarrel with Reuchlin, ii. 424. Phantasm, the Sabbat a, iii. 493. Pharees, Simon, case of, iii. 446. Philadelphia, Bp. of, head of Fraticelli iii. 164. Philip II. (Spain) favors Lullism, iii. 587, 588. Philip III. (Spain) asks for Lully's canoniza- tion, iii. 588. Philip, Inq. of Abyssinia, i. 298. Philip of Achaia arrests the Templars, iii. 304. Philip, Chancellor of University, i. 25. Philip the necromancer, iii. 424. Philippe I. (France), exc. of, i. 5. his sale of bishoprics, i. 8, 9. Philippe II. (France), his disinterestedness, i. 7. his dealings with the Albigenses, i. 140, 145, 148, 149,174,183, 188. his death and its effects, i. 190. his bequests to Military Orders, iii. 240. abandons Ingeburga, iii. 418. Philippe III. (France) acquires Toulouse, i. 206. visits Languedoc, ii. 56. appeal of Carcassonne to, ii. 58. his crusade against Aragon, iii. 190. Philippe IV. (France), on torture, i. 423. agreement with Bp. of Albi, i. 516. condemns the Talmud, i. 555. his reforms of Inq., ii. 62, 65, 80, 87. dealings with the Jews, ii. 63, 64, 81; iii. 225, 449. his quarrel with Boniface VIII., ii. 58, 66, 97 ; iii. 258. his dealings with Languedoc, ii. 67, 77, 78, 79, 86, 88, 90, 91. his exequatur for inq. of Champagne, ii. 575. his dealings with the Templars, iii. 252, 253, 258, 260, 261, 278, 280, 281, 289, 290, 294, 321. his death, iii. 326. Philippe V. (France) forces election of John XXII., ii. 98. persecutes lepers and Jews, ii. 380. project to give him the Templar lands, iii. 254. settlement of Templar property, iii. 330. Philippe VI. (France) subjects the State to Inq., i. 385; ii. 125. repairs prison of Carcassonne, i. 490. on debts of heretics, i. 519. extends royal jurisdiction, ii. 130. suppresses Flagellants, ii. 382. invades Lombardy, iii. 197. confirms jurisdiction of Inq., iii. 454. on the Divine Vision, iii. 592, 593. Philippe I. (Flanders) persecutes Cathari, i. 112. Philippe le Bon (Flanders) on confiscation, i. 521. Philippe le Bon (Plunder-) hii a u to Kaleyaer, i. M5 ; ii. B besiegei Compiegne, iii. 8 the Vandoii of Aim-, iii. 528, B Philippe <>f Dreux, Bp. ol BeauvaU, i 1 1. Philippe de Marigny, Abp. of Sen», ii. B iii. 294. Philippe de Uontfort, bis gains by oonfl tion, ii. 1 1 1. Philosophy, ii with theology, UL 667, 562. Philtres in Egypt, iii. 9 in Greece, iii. in Rome, iii. 891. among Norsemen, iii. 405. used by Mummolus, iii. 411, penances for, iii. 418, 414, 416. marriage dissolved by, iii. 4 IS. punishment in 18th cent, iii. I in Sicilian constitutions, iii. 481. regarded as hereby, iii. I case in Chatelet of Paris, iii. 461«  case in Velay, iii. 468. power of witches, iii. 502. Physicians, Waldenses as, ii. 146. Physiognomy, science of, iii. 431. Piacenza, Cathari in, i. 117. troubles in 1204, ii. 196. troubles over heresy, ii. 202, 223, 2.15. Piagnoni, Savonarola's followers, iii. 214, 219, 227. Pichardus in Bohemia, ii. 518. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, his belief in Savonarola, iii. 211. his errors, iii. 573. Pico della Mirandola, G. F., on the Sabbat, iii. 498. urges reform, iii. 639. Piedmont, Waldenses in, i. 425 ; ii. 194, 2.V.». confiscations in, i. 512. Catharism in, ii. 255. Pierre Amiel, Abp. of Narbonne, i. 196, 201, 330; ii. 13, 28. Pierre d'Aragon, case of, ii. 244. Pierre Autier, career of, ii. 105, 107. Pierre de Boulogne, iii. 293, 296, 297. Pierre le Brousart, Inq. of Arras, iii. 520. Pierre Bruni, his activity, ii. 125. Pierre de Bruvs, i. 68. Pierre Cardinal, his poems, i. 55; ii. 2, 14. Pierre de Castelnau, papal legate, i. 187,140, 142. his murder, i. 145. Pierre Cella, inq., i. 544; ii. 8, 10, 17, 21. Pierre de Cherrut, his Templar initiation, iii. 277. Pierre de Colmieu— see Albano, Cardinal of. Pierre Fabri, inq., his poverty, i. 582. persecutes Waldenses, ii. 157. Pierre de Fenouillfedes, ii. 111. Pierre Flotto, influence of, ii. 58. Pierre de PHopital. iii. 481. 484, 486. Pierre Julien, case of, i. 390.