Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/745

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I . . X Templars acquitted in Germany, iii. 303. forced to confession in Naples, iii. 305. acquitted in Bologna, iii. 808. not convicted in Cyprus, iii. 310. acquitted in Aragon, iii. 818. acquitted in Majorca, iii. 315. acquitted in Castile, iii. 816. acquitted in Portugal, iii. 817, forced to confession in Tuscan v, iii. 318. Clement's orders to torture them, iii :; 1 8. not condemned by C. of Vienne, iii. 821. final disposition of them, iii. 82 1. opinions as to their guilt, iii. 327. fate of documents of their trial, iii. 819. Templar property, its sequestration, iii. 285. disposition of, iii. 322, 329. Temple, Order of, promised opportunity for defence, iii. 284, 288. denied a hearing at Vienne, iii. 320. abolished unconvicted, iii. 322. Temporalities, Wickliffite rejection of, ii. 441. Tento of Agen, Catharan bp., ii. 34. Termes, siege of, i. 160, 162. Terric the heretic burned, i. 130. Tertiary Orders, i. 267. Tertiaries, Franciscan, known as Beguines, ii. 355. Beguines as, ii. 371, 372, 413. Franciscan, become Olivists, iii. 50, 75. persecuted in Aragon, iii. 85. Tertullian, his intolerance, i. 210, 212. complains of pagan theurgy, iii. 393. on prophetic dreams, iii. 447. Testament of St. Francis burned, iii. 34. Testes synodales, i. 312, 315, 317, 350 ; ii. 117. Testimony — see Evidence. Testimony, interpolation of, ii. 72,73; iii. 517. Teutonic knights, assisted by the Stedingers, iii. 185. their withdrawal from the East, iii. 248. accused of heresy in 1307, iii. 257. Teutonic magic, iii. 402. Texerant or Textores, i. 115. Theate, fine imposed on, i. 401. Theodisius, legate, i. 150, 164, 170, 172, 192. Theodore the astrologer, iii. 431. Theodore of Canterbury on sorcery, iii. 413. Theodore of Montferrat, i. 11. Theodore of Mopsuestia, i. 230. Theodore a Niem on papal curia, iii. 627. Theodore, Pope, his use of the wine of Eu- charist, ii. 474. Theodoret of Cyrus, case of, i. 230. Theodoric, his laws on sorcery, iii. «399. Theodoric of Thuringia on Conrad of Mar- burg, ii. 326, 330. Theodosius II. burns Nestorian books, i. 554. Theodwin of Liege, his intolerance, i. 219. Theology, scholastic, iii. 551. its superiority to Scripture, iii. 552. its contest with philosophy, iii. 557, 562. not to be taught logically, iii. 583. Theology, schol luatioii, iii. .". . Theophilui of Cilicia, iii. Theurgy, Greek, iii Christian, it- rivalry with I magic, iii. 4< Thibaut of Champagne negotiates vith Amsuri, i. 188, I Thiebault of Lorraine kill- Ifahea of ToaL i. li. Thiebault of Lorraine, his treatment of T plan, iii. 801. Thiei TV d'Aresnes, fate of, i. Ifi Thierry, Catharan bp., i. 180, 111. Thomas of Apulia, his Joacbitism, ii. I iii. Thomas, St., of Canterbury, power of his in- vocation, i. 50. Thomas of Cantimpre, hi- demonology, iii. 881. admits power of Tkm/Mf&im, iii. 416. on Satan's power of transportation, iii. 496, 497. on pardoners, iii. frll. Thomas de Courcelles, iii. 8< Thomas of Celano on the Franciscan R iii. 29. Thomas Germanus visits Savov Waldenses, ii. 267. Thomas Scotus, heresies of, ii. 188. Thomas of Stitnv defends remanence, ii. 446. Thomists, iii. 556. Thrace, Paulicians transplanted there, i. K>7. Thread, sacred, of Cathari, i. 92 Three Rings, story of the, iii. 564. Thurgau, Ortlibenses burned in, ii. Thuringia, Flagellants burned in, ii. Tiberius, his law on harnspices, iii. Tiem, Wenceslas, ii. 449, 458. Tiepoli, Giacopo, his ducal oath, ii. 21 Time of grace, i. 871. results of, ii. '^> { K Tithe, papal, refused by French clergy, ii. 187. resistance to, in Germany, ii. 1 Tithes, troubles arising from, i. 26. their refusal by Tanchelm, i. 64. troubles in Abpric. of Bremen, iii. 183. Toad, its use in witchcraft, iii. 518. Todi, inquisitorial proceedings at, iii. 149. Toldos Jeschu, i. 51 Toledo, influence of school of, i. 58. CLof, in 694, forbids imprecatory mat iii. 447. C. of, 633, on priestly sorcerers, iii. 41f>. C. of, 1291, on denial of immortality, iii. 56 1 . Toleration in the early dark ages, i. 109, 217. is a heresy, j. J24, 540. in Languedoc, ii. 1. 323. 107,408.