Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/746

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730 INDEX. Toleration shown by the Turks, ii. 315. taught by the Friends of God, ii. 366. Tolls, unlawful, condemned by the Church, i. 124. Tomrnasino da Foligno, ii. 281. Tommaso I. (Savoy), his law against heresy, i. 319; ii. 195. Tommaso of Aquino, Fraticellian pope, iii. 163. Tommaso d' A versa, i. 422 ; ii. 216, 248 ; iii. 39. Tommaso da Casacho, ii. 256, 258, 261. Tommaso da Casteldemilio, iii. 33. Tommaso di Como, inq., iii. 98. Tommaso of Florence, his beatification, ii. 272. Tommaso, Bp. of Lesina, ii. 310, 311. Tommaso di Scarlino persecutes Fraticelli, iii. 178. Tonale, Sabbat held at, iii. 547. Tongues, red, worn by false witnesses, i. 441. Tonsure, obliteration of, ii. 491. Torcv, sorcerers in, iii. 537. Torriani, Giovacchino, iii. 211, 232, 236. Torriani, Pier, podesta of Bergamo, ii. 201. Tors, Conrad, ii. 333, 342, 345. Torsello, Catharan bp. of Florence, i. 327 ; ii. 209. Torture used on Piiscillian, i. 213. clerks not to be present at, i. 223. minimum age for, i. 403. introduction of. i. 421. severity of, i. 423. confession recorded as free from, i. 425, 428; iii. 266,484. rules for its use, i. 426. of witnesses, i. 436. used in episcopal courts, i. 557. used in secular courts, i. 560. forbidden by Philippe le Bel, ii. 62. of citizens of Albi, ii. 71. of Bernard Delicieux, ii. 101. use of, by Bernard Gui, ii. 107. forbidden in Aragon in 1325, ii. 170. of familiars in Venice, ii. 273. not used on Huss or Jerome, ii. 478, 502. used on Guglielmites, iii. 100. in Savonarola's trial, iii. 229, 231, 233, 234. ordered for the Templars, iii. 260, 286, 300,310, 313,318. its unsparing; emplovment on them, iii. 262, 266, 287, 300, 310, 313, 318. not used on Templars in Castile, iii. 316. not used on Joan of Arc, iii. 366. Charlemagne permits it on sorcerers, iii. 413. its efficacy on sorcerers, iii. 415. prolonged, its effect, iii. 457, 462. not used on Gilles de Rais, iii. 484. its acencv in creating witchcraft, iii. 492, 496, 505. Torture, taciturnity under, iii. 509, 514. severity of, in witch-trials, iii. 532. Toul, trial of bp. of, i. 14. Toulouse, heresy in 1178, i. 122. edict to expel heretics in 1202, i. 137. edict against trials of dead,i. 140. interdict laid on, i. 163. three sieges of, i. 167, 185, 187. reversion of, to royal family, i. 204. deaths in prison, i. 494. exc. for refusal to burn heretics, i. 538 ; ii. 569. protection of heretics in, ii. 6. first appointment of inqs., ii. 8. troubles in 1235, ii. 17. removal of Foulques de S. Georges, ii. 79. Philippe le Bel's visit, ii. 86. Inq. under Bernard Gui, ii. 104. oath given to Inq. in, ii. 131. Abp. of, suspends the Inq., ii. 132. contest between inqs. in 1414, ii. 138. degradation of Inq., ii. 144. persecution of Waldenses, ii. 149, 152. Olivists burned, iii. 77. sorcerers punished in 1274, iii. 428. witches burned in, iii. 537. C. of, 1119, against Cathari, i. 117. C. of, 1229, enforces dutv of persecu- tion, i. 226, 340. acts as Inq., i. 316. forbids Scriptures to laymen, i. 324. on destruction of houses, i. 482. orders converts imprisoned, i. 484. on support of prisoners, i. 489. on disabilities, i. 498. on expenses of Inq., i. 526. Counts of, their power, i. 132. House of, its extinction, ii. 48. see of, its poverty, i. 134. see of, its enrichment, i. 514. Touraine, Inq. extended to, ii. 126. Tournav, witches acquitted, iii. 533. Tours, C. of. 813, on legacies, i. 29. C. of, 1163, on confiscation, i. 502. C. of, 1239, svnodal witnesses ordered, i. 317; ii. 117. assembly of, in 1308, iii. 280. Traducianism among Cathari, i. 98. Transformation, magic, iii. 405. power of witches, iii. 502. Transitus sancti patri, iii. 45, 83, 164. Transmigration in Catharism, i. 91, 98. Transubstantiation, introduction of. i. 218. denied by Pierre de Bruys, i. 68. denied bv Henrv of Lausanne, i. 70. Waldensian beliefs, i. 82, 150, 160; ii. 150, 396. denied by Wickliff, ii. 442. Huss professes it, ii. 476. maintained by the Calixtins, ii. 520. Tahorite views of, ii. 524. evaded by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 562.