Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/276

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And at Martinmas the King went over sea to Normandy; but whilst he waited tor a fair wind, his train did as much injury in the county in which they were detained, as any Prince's retinue, or even an army could have committed in a peaceable land.

This year was in all respects a very heavy time, and the weather was singularly bad at the seasons when men should till their lands and gather in the harvest; and the people had nevertheless no respite from unjust taxes. Many shires, moreover, which are bound to duty in works at London, were greatly oppressed in making the wall around the tower, in repairing the bridge which had been almost washed away, and in building the King's hall at Westminster; these hardships fell upon many. This year also, at Michaelmas, Edgar Ætheling, with the King's aid, led an army into Scotland, and won that country by hard fighting, and drove out the King Dufenal, and established his kinsman Edgar the son of King Malcolm and Queen Margaret, as King holding of William, and then he returned into England.


This year King William was in Normandy at Christmas; and Walcelin Bishop of Winches-