Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/10

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the enemy went to Ticonderoga & got recruited, they then came after us, we scouted by Wood Creek. On the 13th day we got to Fort Ann. The centery came and told me that the enemy was all around us. Major Putnam led out the party, Maj. Rogers bro't up the rear; marched in an Indian path three quarters of a mile — the Indians lay in a half moon; Major Putnam went through their ranks; they fired upon us — Major Putnam was taken and tied to a tree, and an Indian would have killed him had it not been for a French Lieut, who rescued his life — the enemy rose like a cloud and fired a volley upon us, and my being in the front brought me into the rear — I turned little to the right — the tomahawks and bullets flying around my ears like hail stones, and as I was running, I saw a great wind fall little forward, which seemed impossible for me or any other man to mount, but over I went, and as I ran I looked little one side, where I saw a man wounded, (the Indians close to him) who immediately, with my help, got into the circle. Gershom Bowley had nine bullets shot thro' his clothes and remained unhurt. Ensign Worcester had nine wounds, scalped and tomahawked, who lived and got well.

The battle commenced in the morning and continued until 3 o'clock, when they left us. We gathered our dead and wounded up in a ring; there was half of our men killed and