Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/11

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wounded and taken, we sent to Fort Edward for relief to help carry our wounded, it being 80 in number, we made biers to carry them, many of whom died on the passage, the distance being 14 miles.

I was almost beat out, but I went to Albany after stores and returned to the army. — From thence I went home, it being in the fall, and tarried through the winter.

In the spring, 1754, I set out on another campaign. I went to Crown Point, and there I set up a fuller's shop which I kept two years, by means of a clerk I employed for that purpose, nor knowing myself how to write, or read, to any amount, what others had written, or printed. I lost my Clerk, and not being able properly to. adjust accounts, lost what (illegible text) had accumulated by hard industry for several years, all for the want of youthful education.

After leaving the army I accumulated, by industry, a handsome sum of silver and gold,, with it I purchased,in the town of Granville, sixteen hundred acres of land and paid for it on delivery of the deed, but besides I was to clear a small piece of land on each right and build a log house; but previous to this I married in the year 1761.

I then proceeded into the back country to clear me a farm, soon after I began to work in the woods, but unfortunately cut my leg and lay under the Doctors care the whole season,