Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/103

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A D R I A N I. 67 great judgment, candour, nnd accuracy; he was furnifh'd with feveral memoirs by Cofmo duke of 'J i . , ice nolefs confpicuous for his orx-ai g^niiu, th.'.u his c< nfun pruJencc. Thuanu< arkn > :iu;cn in t< his hiftory, and that no work, of this kind h a! i'urniuV u him with more materials. Betides this hiflory, thcic arc !i neral otations c-mpofed by A.i;iani, viz. one on the tmper Charles V. another on the emperor Ferdinand : a thud on Eleonora of Toledo, the wife of Cofmo duke of F : ou-nec; a fourth on Ifabel queen of &;>.iin ; MIC fir'ih i-n Cofmo t gr.nd duke of Tuicany ; and the lad on Joan of :.i,R : Hi, n . wife of Francis de Meciicis. He is thought nlfo to have." been the author of a long letter on ancunt painters and',., fculptors, prefixed to the third volume cf Vafari. HL: . raJemy of at irJorcnce in is;q. P . 4 S . ADRICHOMIUS (CHRISTIAN), born at Delft in Hol- land, in the year 1553. ^ e vvas y zealous advocate ior the religion he profeifed, and applied himfelf to his ftudies with great affiduity. He was for fome time director of the nuns of St. Barbara; but the civil wars which broke out on the account of religion, having obliged him to quit his country, he withdrew to Brabant, ai;d sfieru-aHs to Cologne, where he began a confiderable work, w hieh was printed alter his death. It is entitled 4 ' Theatrum Terrse Sancrae," and was printed in with geographical maps, at Cologne, in the year 1593. He gives a description of the Holy Land in general, and of the city of Jerufaiem in particular, it contain-, likewife a Chro- nicle ot the Old and New Teftament, which is pietty much i efteemed ; but he is thought to rely too much on the Ma- netho, the Borofus, and fuch other writings of the monk Annius of Viterbo. Adrichomius fometimes affumed the name of Chrifiianus Crucius ; and under this tale he publifh- ed,f at Antwerp, the life of Chrifl, and an oration De Chnf- tiana Beatitudine, which he had fpoke in a general chapter. He'ditd at Cologne, in the year 1585, in the thirteenth year Valer. And. of his exile, and was buriecJ in the convent of the canorisffes Blt>l Scls * cf Nazareth, where he had been Director fjr fonic e.:;s. ^EGINETA (PAULUS), a native of the i whence he has his name. According to Le Clerc, IK- P. ni- rifhed in the fourth century ; but with more truth he is pl.uv.l by Abulpharagius, who is allowed to give the bell Account of thofe times, in the feventh. Yet he could not live Uce in F 2 it,