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68 JE G I N E T A. it, as is plain from his own writings ; where, fpeaking of Collyriums, he mentions one, which he happened upon in Alexandria. That he had been in this c city is paft all doubt, (though not as a ftudent, as Dr. Freind would have it) and probably before it was taken and plundered by Amrou, which happened no later in the feventh century than the year forty. For it is not likely that he would vifit Alexandria after it had been facked, and all the libraries and other monuments of learning burnt by order of the Caliph. And as a farther proof of this, Abulpharagius places him fome time before Othman was made caliph, which was in the year 643, two years after Heraclius's deaih : fo that he does well to make himflourifli fome time in the reign of Heraclius, as about the year 620. His works are dcfervedly famous, and it appears, that his knowledge in furgery was very great; for Fabricius ab Aquapendente, one of the beft chirurgical writers now extant, has thought fit to tranfcribe him in an infinite num- ber of places. Indeed the doctrine of Paulus ./Egineta, toge- ther with that of Celfus and Albucafis, make up the whole text of this author. His inferences and obfervations confift Freind's chiefly in explaining thefe two writers ; and thefe are the Ph f v r tr i umvirate to whom he principally ftands indebted for the p.ari. ' affiftance he received in composing his excellent book. In fhort, the furgery of Paulus has been the fubjed-matter of moft of the books of that profeflion down to this time. And yet this author, valuable as he is, is one of thofe, which Le- Clerc and others, for want of being better acquainted with, have been pleafed to condemn as worthlefs writers. He is the firft author that takes notice of the cathartic quality of rhubarb. He begins his book with a defcription of women's difeafes, and treats profefiedly of diftempers incident to that Letter to Sir fex ; and, according to Dr. Milward, he is the firft in all an- HansS!oane t jq U j t y that deferves the title of man-midwife. His writings and the various editions of them are as may be feen below [A], [A] T. " Libri vii. De re Medica, tf tern Andomaci, V^net. 154.4." 8vo. " feu .Opera omnia, Grasce, Venetiis, 3. The fame, to which arc added,, " 1528," fo}. " Annotationes Jarobi Goupyli, ex 2. The fame, " Ex Interpretatione " Editione etcum Scboiiia Jo Baptiilss " etcum Annotationibusjoannis Guin- " Camotii, Ven?t ; 1553." 8vo. ALBERONI (Julius), Cardinal, was the fon of a gardener in the fuburbs of Placentia, born May 31, 1664. From this low original, by his good fortune, his addrefs and abili- ties he rofe to be the fiift minifter of ftate to the king of Spain. The poet Campiftronj a domeftic of the duke of Vendorne, 2 happened