Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/121

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> . /E M I L I U S. 85

  • ' his hillory." Lipfius was mightily p'cafed with this p

formance : " Paulus /Emilius (fays that author) is almolt the only modern who has difrovercd the true an I am i -r, L v. of writing hiftory, and followed it very dofe-ly. His m m- " ncr of writin i U learned, ncrvoi:-;, and ci-ncile, i " to points and conceits, and leaving a ftrong ir,,;u..

  • ' the mind of a fcrious reader. He often intcrnm

" and ("entiments rot inferior to th-jfc c.f the ar. A <c careful examiner, and impartial judge of fa&s ; IKT h.i

  • ' met with <ui autiior in our time, who haj Icfs prejudic

" partiality. It is a difgrare to our a^e, that To few ... '< plefed with him ; whence it would .ip.-.cMr that thiie are tc but few capable of relidiir.g his beauties. Amon : i" many " perfections there are hov'tver a few blcmifhcs ; for his fty'

  • ' is fumevvhat unconnected, and his periods too (hort. '!'!,

is not fuitable to ferious fubjtcls, efpccially anna's, : ftyle of which, according to Tacitus, fliould be grave and

  • ' unaffecled. He is alfo unequal, being fometimcs too

ftudied and corref, and thereby cbfcure ; at other times " (this however but feldom) he is look and negligent. He " affecls alfo too much of the air of antiquity in the ramcs tc of men and pL-.ces, which he changes and would reduce to " the ancient form, often learnedly, fometimes vainly, and

  • ' in my opinion always unbecoming fc]." ./Emilius's hif-

tory is divided into ten books, and extends from PharamcnJ to the fifth year of Charles VIII. in 148!-'. The tenth bc'_ was found among his papers, in a confufed condition ; fo th^t the editor, Daniel Xavarifio, a native cf Verona and relation of /Emiliu?, was obliged to collate a great number of papers full of rafures, before it could be published. He has been <( t ( cc " vited into France, in order to corr.po'e xv'i eft, qund mirus i!Ii phccaf, " th;s work, hy LtwisXII. Now the panci lint qui capiant hzc bona. In tan- reisn ot tins prince but in 1498; lis tamen virtunbus etiam hz labcculcr, and had he lent for this author im- quod fiiluni p-rum neflit, et f pTjir, ili- mediately nttfr his acceiiion to the vidi'que e'>m in minuna qua;dim mcni- ciov*n, /Emiliuscoiild not have em- bra. Hcc mm in omni leriofa oratione ployed ab >ve ^iyhteen years at moft parum crngruum, turn in cnnalibus mi- in writing th: hillory of France." n; me, quorum efl, ut illc ait, tarda qu.c- [c] I'aulus ./Einilius, ut rem dicam, djin ei iin.i^ I lipturi. Deinde quod m.e- onus intT novos, verstn et vrte- qmlis. Alibi nimium anxius et cafti- rem Hiftoriae viam vidit, e..n oi:e firmo gatns ideo^ue fobobfcuru?, alibi (Ifd raro pciie calcavit. Genus fciibt-ndi tins ut -i ) lasus et /olutul, v ctuflitis rtiam dodlutn, nervc.fum, pre*!um ; ad fubtili- nefcu> quid atTld^t in h-ini- tatem er argutias inclii:. 'inqut-ns num. Iccu^um, urbium irr.n-.ut.n^is, ec defigenfque ol'ud in animo fsr.i lefto:i';. in vetertr.i tormm rcJiftnJ/s ; TXPC Sententias et ;!!>:"! a f;i.-pe irifcet, piia erudite, in'erdum , ego ju- aitiqui*. R<?rnm i[-il.,riTi feouluS f, |-,i- it", d:.ii,". r in.ii-Ki.i. L>; ji , ^ tator, leverus ;u-:ex : rfc l< gi no^ro asvo, id lib i. I'li'iticorum, <" ';. 9. p. !'. 1 17. liber ab ^.'Ic.'.u, Dsdecus torn. iv. Op vuno edit. VefaJ. it G ceniui