Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/122

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86 JE M I L I U S. cenfured by feveral of the French writers, particularly by M. Sorel : " It does not avail (fays this author) that his oratorial " pieces are imitations of thofe of the Greeks and Romans : " all are not in their proper places ; for he often makes bar-

  • e barians to fpeak in a learned and eloquent manner. To

" give one remarkable circumftance; though our moft au-

    • thentic hiftorians declare, that Hauier, or Hanier, the coun-
  • { fellor, who fpoke an inve&ive, in prefence of king Lewis

" Hautin, againft Enguerrand de Marigny, came off poorly, " and faid many filly things; yet Paulus ^milius, who " changes even his name, calling him Annalis, makes him

  • e fpeak with anaffe&ed eloquence. He alfo makes this En-

" guerrand pronounce a defence, though is is faid he was not " allowed to fpeak ; fo that what the hiftorian wrote on this Sorel Bib- " occafion, was only to exercife his pen." He has been alfo liotheque animadverted upon, for not taking notice of the holy vial at >ancoif e , Rheims. " [D] I fhall not (fays Claude de Verdier) pafs over " Paulus /Emilius of Verona's malicious filence, who omit- " ted mentioning many things relating to the glory of the " French nation. Nor can it be faid he was ignorant of thofe <; things, upon which none were filcnt before himfelf; fuch

  • ' as. that oil which was fent from heaven for anointing our

" monarchs ; and alfo the lilies. And even though he had

  • ' not credited them himfelf, he ought to have declared the
  • ' opinion of mankind." Julius Scaliger mentions a book

containing the hiftory of the family of the Scaligers, as tranf- lated into elegant Latin by Paulus ./Emilius; and in his letter about the antiquity and fplendor of the family, he has the fol- lowing pafTage : "By the injury of time, the malice of ene-

  • 5 mies, and the ignorance of writers, a great number of me-
  • ' moirs relating to our family were loft ; fo that the name
  • ' ofScaliger would have been altogether buried in obfcurity,

" had it not been for Paulus /Emilius of Verona, that moft " eloquent writer and preferver of ancient pedigrees ; who " having found, in Bavaria, very ancient annals of our fa- " mily, written, as he himfelf tells us, in a coarfe ftyle, po-

  • ' liflied and-tranflated them into Latin. From this book my
  • ' father extracted fuch particulars, [as feemed to reflccl the

[n] Paul! r!2mjlii Veronenfis ma- gum crdifus dcmifTum et lilia fimiliter ; lianiim filentium non filebo, qui mul- quibus fi ficlem non'adhibuit, earn faltem tc.riim non n-,eminit quie ad Gallornm hominum mentibus opinionem infitam tloriam pertinerent. Nee ea ignorafTo efle diceie opurtuit. Claud. Verdierius Hici poieft, qua3 nullus ante eum pra- in Auf, cenl. p. 8S, teriit, ut oleum illud ad unfUontm Re-

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