Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/123

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IE M I L I U S. 27 " greateft honour on our family [' ' '1 er fpeaks alfo of it in the firft edition of his Commentary on Catullus, in i$;0; and in the ftcond, in 1600, but in fiich a mariner, as <:iirers foniewhat from the pafla^e above ci- Scioppius has Icvcrc- ]y attacked Scaliger on account of t!x-(V variations ; lie ob- ferves, that no mention being; made of the place, where this ijianufcript was pretended to be found, nor the pcrf M who poflefled ir, and fuch authors as had fearchcd the Bavarian Schrp libraries with the utmoft care, having met with no fuch ^ ' ' annals ; he therefore aflcrts, that whatever the Scalpers ad- ^l',',, "1.4*0. vanccd concerning; this work, was all impofturc. /Iv.nilii.'S, v as to his private life, was a man of exemplary condirt :r:d un- tainted reputation. He died in 1529, and was buried in the cathedral at Paris. [E] Iniutia temporum, malevolent!* fapi<e noflrae vetuft'fllmos, pinpui flilo, hoftium, imperitia Icriptoium, eos cunt- ut iplc ait, conceptos, edolavit cos el Lz- culos in generis noftii memona egerunt, tine loqui docuit. Ex eo li'uro parens utde totius nomiois Scaligeri luini me- meus ea excerpfit, quae ad noftri gciieri* tuendum cfi'zt, nifi pncfto fuifiet elo- flaiiutem prarcipue pertinere vila font. quentiirimus vir, et antiquarum nrioi- fofcnh Scalip. in Epiftola de Veturtatc num vinriex Paulus /l:',milius Veronenfis, tt Spicndore Gentis Scaligera;, p. S, 9. qui ju&us in Norico afla et annales pro- ' (GAZEUS), or ./ENEAS of Gaza, a fophift by pro- fefiion, was originally a Platonic philofopher, but afterwards became a duiftkin, and flouril'hed about the year 487. His Fabric. Bill. age is afcertained from his alluring us, that he law the Afri- can confeflors, whofe tongues were cut out by Hunncric king of the Vandals, in 4.8.$., under the reign of th? Emperor Zeno : Lherar. and in this we may believe him. But can we fofafely believe him, when he affirms, that he heard rhefe confeilbrs fpcak very plainly and diftindlly, after their were indeed cut out ? He wrote a dialogue, intitled, ' Theophraftus," concerning the immoitality of the foul, and the refurre&ion of the body j which he has enlivened with many curious enquiries into the fentiments of the philofophcrs, and with many agreeable ftorics. Th dialogue was firft tianflatcd into Latin, and published at Rafil, in 1516: afterwards in Greek and Latin, at BaiiK in 1560, with other pieces : afterwards at Leipfic, 1658, with a tranflation and notes, by Bartliius, in qu.-.rto. rSvLvius), or Pius II, was of the family of the ficcolimini, born in the .year 1405, at Corligny in Vienna, where his father lived i"n exile. He was educated a: the grammar Ichool of that place; hut his parents being in low circumftances, he was obliged, in his early ycurs, to fubmit to G 4