Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/152

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n6 AINSWORT H. Ainfworth poifoned. He was undoubtedly a perfon of pro- Ibid. P . 48. found learning, and deeply read in the works of the rabbis. He rwd a ftrong underftiinding, quick penetration, and won- derful diligence. He publifhed occafionally feveral treadles, many of which made a great noife in the world [BJ. AlNSWORTH(RoBERT),anEnglifhman,who has greatly ferved his country, by compiling the moft ufeful Latin Dic- tionary that has yet appeared, was born at Woodyale, four miles from Manchefter, in Lancaftme, September 1660. He Patrick's W<1S e( j ucatef l at Bolton in that county, and afterwards taught th" f f"ond afchool in the fame town. Some years after he went to Lon- cdition of tlon, and -became mafter of a confiderable boarding- fchool at ^L n . f r.?!. t i s Betnnal Green, where, in 1698, he wrote and publifhec! a ihort treatife of Giarr.matical Inftitution. From thence he removed to Hackney, and afterwards to other places near London ; where teaching with good reputation for many years, and acquiring a competent fubfiftence, he left off, and lived privately. He had a turn for Latin and Englifh poetry, as well as for antiquities ; and fome fmgle poems of his have beer) printed in each of _thofe 1-anguages. About 1714, a propofal was made to certain eminent bookfeilers in London, for compiling a new compendious Englift) and Latin Dictionary, upon the fame plan with' Faber's Thefaurus ; when Mr. Ainfworth being pitched upon, as a proper perfon for fuch adefion, foon after undertook it. But the execution of it was attended with fo many difficulties, that it went on very (lowly for a long time, and for fome years was entirely fuf- pended : however, being at length relumed, it was finifhed, and pubhfned with a dedication to Dr. Mead, in 1736, 410. The title will fufficiently explain the nature and contents of it; and therefore we will give it at full length, as it {lands in the fecond edition, with additions and improvements by Sa- Thefaurus, &c. [E] <c A Countcr-poifon again,1Ber- Bard andCraihaw, 1652," quarto. 1, " An Animadveifjnn'to Mr. Rich- ard Cly'ton's Advertifement, who, under Pretence of anfvvcring Charles Lawne's Book, hnth publifhed another snsn's private Letter, with Mr. Francis Jeh-n- fon's Anfwer tbertto 5 which Lftier is here juftified, the Ar.fwcr hereto K-tur.-.-i. and the true Caules of the lamenuble Breach that has lately fallen t^ut in the Englifh exited Church at AmflerJam, iraniferrco'. Printed at Amfteroam, hy fJiles Thorp. A. D. 1613," quarto, . "A. Treatife of the Communior. of Saints." 4, " A Tr^atife of the Fellowfhip that the Faitht'ul have with God, his Angels, and one with another, in this prdcnt lile: 1615, oclavo. -5. " The trying out of tlie Truth bf> t'-veen John Ainfuonh and Henry Ainf- worth, the one pleading for, and the other againft Popery :" quarto. 6. " An Arrow againtt Idolatry," 7. " Certain Notes of Mr. Ainlworth's laft Sermon on I Pet. ii, 4, 5. Printed in 1630," octavo. jmue*