Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/153

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A I N S W O R T 1 1. muel Patrick, LL.I). and Uflicr of the Ch;.:' r r,,ufe School. * 4 Tbefaurui L'mgute Latin.. < .us : or a 44 Compendious Dictionary of tie Latin I o: ,^;u , 44 for the Ufe of the Britiih Nations : In thice Part 1 --. C'on-

  • ' taming I. The Englifh appellative woids and t rn c-

44 prellion before the Latin ; in which will be found fomc

  • 4 thouf'and Englifh words and phrakrs, leveral v.mous feji!

44 of the fame word, and a great number of IVoverbi.d e 4 ' preffions, more than in any former dictionary of this kin , 4t all carefully endeavoured to be rendered in p;op r and clai- 44 fie al Latin. To which are fubpin-jd, I. The proper 4 ' names of the more remarkable places rendered im L.:;m. 44 2. The Chriftian names of men and women. II. Tn-j 44 Latin appellatives before the Englifh ; in wl.ich are giv 44 the more certain etymologies of the Latin words, their

  • ' various fenfes in Englifh ranged in their natural order, the
  • ' principal idioms under each fcnfe explained and accoi;;

44 for, all fupported by the beft authorities of the Roman 4t writers ; with references to the particular book, chapter, 44 or verfe, where the citations may be found.- III. 'I he " ancient Latin names of the mo;e remarkable pcrlons and 4< places occurring in claffic authors, with a fhort account 41 them, both hiftorical and mythological ; and the more " modern names of the fame places, fo far as they are known,

  • 4 collefikd from the moft approved writers. To which are

4k added, i. The Roman calendar, much fuller than ^ny 4 ' yet publifhed. 2. Their coins, weights, and meafu:. " 3. A chrofrology of the Roman kings, confuls, and mote 44 remarkable events of that ftate. 4. The n<<tes of abbre- " viation ufed in ancient Latin authors and infuip- < ' 5. A (hort dictionary of the more common Latin words

  • ' occuring in our ancient laws." 1746 [A].

Mr. Ainfworth died at Lor/don the .^h of April 174."}. a^ed 83 years, and was buried, according to his own in the Cemetery of Poplar, under the following monumental Infcription, compoied by h;mlelf . Rob. Ainfworth e? uxcr ejus, ad mod urn ienes Dormituri, veflem detritam hie exuerunt, Novam primo mane furgentes induturi. [A] Mr. Ainfworth's other publi-a- tione IfiJir, D-Iulu-'om r- tii.ns were, i. " A fliort Trei-i:- of S^o. 4. > Grammatical Inflitutions, &c. i6;?," ^'c. 17-4," 4 t(> - ^' . 2. ' N!onumrnta veiultatis K-tm- more } -jrticul*r account pnoa, &c. 1729," 3vo. -,. " I^EKN, ^o:es of Bowjer, b) Nil five ex vcteris monumenti Hiaci delcrif- 8 13 Dmn