Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/157

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A L A M A N N I. I2i Florentines applied to Francis I. hut not finding him di-jv-ft-J to give them any relief, th-y hat! ftcovrfe u> their ( exile: Alamanni, who hid a trie love fur hi; lountr , I. getting the ill treatment he runl he poilibly couKI, in order to afiiit his iel!<uv-uti/.env , vastoolate, the Florentines S> to (nin, -ir city.on the icth of Augulr, 1530, an , c ; was inveiied with the fovercign authority. TIu- liMdm of the popular party were put to death, an i Alamanni, a . others, was banifhed to Provence ; but nut cum fentence, was fummoned to appear, and upon hi., i. >n-ap > .u- ance, declared a rebel in 1532. He now went to France, where Francis I. from a love to his gciru > a::i! in uc, became his patron. This prince employed him in L'vej-.ii im- portant r.rl'.rirs, and honoured him wilh the collar of the <<r.i.r of St. Michael. About the year 1540, he was admired a Ibid. member of the InfUmmati, an academy newly creeled at Padua, chitfly by Daniel Barbaro and Ugolin Mai tclii. r.,id. Peace having been concluded in 1544, between the emp-.ror and the king of France, Alamanni was fent ambaflador t< th.- imperial court. A'r.cng the feveral poems which he had com- pofedin the praife of Francis I. there was one patty fevtre upoa the emperor, wherein, amongft leveral other iatirical (trok-.. , there is the following, where Toe cock fays to the ca^ie, Aquila grilagna Che per piu divorar clue becchi pu:, . Two crooked bills the ravenous ea^lc bears, The better to devour. The emperor had read ihis piece; and when Alamsnni now appeared before him, and pronounced a fine fpeecn i:i his praife, beginning every period with the woid Aqu'Li, i-.e heard him with great attention, and at ihe concluuon tiicreof niade no reply, but repeated Aquiia prifa-^na Che per piu divorar due becchi pc This however did not di ("concert Alamanni, who immcv' :: - ly made the following an fwer : *' oir, u!i -.1 I comp-. l-.d ih. " lines, it was as a poet, v;ho is permi . ".it " now I fpeak as an ambalTador, who is bound in hnirnir to ' tell the truth. I fpoke then as a youth, I !jv

  • ' man advanced in years : J w.sthen fwayed by ..1

" paffion, arifing from the defolate condition of : f* but now I am calm and free from paliioii." Ti.e : highly pleafed with this aniwer, and treated .