Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/158

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122 A L A M A N N I. Ibid. with great friendfhip and civility. After the death of Francis, Henry duke of Orleans, who fucceeded him in 1537, fhevved no lefs favour to Alamanni ; and in the year 1551, fent him as his ambaffador to Genoa : this was his laft journey to Italy ; Bibl. Ttal. a nd being relumed to France, he died at Ambcife on the i8th o f April, 1566, being in the fixty-fixth year of his age. He left many beautiful poems, and oiher valuable perform- ances [A], in the Italian language, [A] I, " Opere Tofcane, vol. I. courfe which be made to the militia of Lyons, 1532." A fecond was pubii/lied Florence, in 1519. at the fame p'ace, the year following. 8. Rime:" Printed in fevfral 2. " La Coltiv37iofse :" which went Italian <-ollec1ion<;. through various editions. 9. " L ttera al'a Vlarchefe de Pefca- 3. " Gyrone Cortefe V' a tranflation "1.1;" and " Leticra a Pietro Aretino/* jn Iral'in verfe from a French romance, 10. " Orazior.e." This is infcrtea in then in greatefteem. Varchi's Hiftory. being ihs djfccnne 4. " La Avarchide." Thefubjeft of which he had nwde tj engage the Flo. this poem is taken from the ancient town renlines toenUr iuio an agreement wi'.h of Aviilcj.n, rr.tntioned by Julius Charles V. : tht: author endeavours to i:ni- ll. " Canzone." Printed in the Mte Homer's Iliad, and the incid^n's do Journal of Venice, loin. xxxn. p. 364. indeed much refeijible thofe in the Gseck 12. We have alfo fom? notea of his poem. upon Homer's Iliad and OdyfTfy, the 5. "Flora, a comedy/* former of which was printed in the Cam- 6. " Epigrarnmi :'"* in the tafle and biidge edition of Homer, in 1689 j and fpirit of Martial. JoihuaBarnes has al;oinferteJ them in his j. " Oraziojie et Sylva." A dif- fine eoitinn of Homer, in 1711. N.ceion. ALAMOS (BALTHASAR) a Spanifh v.'riter, born at Me- dina del Campo in Callile. After having ftudied the law at Salamanca, he entered into thefervice of Anthony Perez, fe- cretary. of ilate under Philip II. He was in high efteem and confidence with his mairer upon which account he was im- prifcned after the difgrace of t'his minifter ; he was kept in confinement eleven years, when Philip III. coming to the throne, fet him at liberty, according to the orders given by his father in his will. Alamos continued in a private capa- city, till the duke of Olivarez, the favourite of Philip IV. called him to public employments. He was appointed advo- cate-general in the court of criminal caufes, and in the council of war. He was afterwards chofen councilor of the council of the Indies, and then of the council of the king's patri- mony, and a knight of the order of Sc Jamf-s. He was a man of wit as well as judgement, but his pen WAS fuperior to his tongue. He died in the eighty-eighth year of his age. His Spaniih tranflation of Tacitus, and the nphurifms which he added in the margin, gained him great reputation : the aphorifms however have been ccnfured by fome authors, par- ticularly