Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/159

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A I, A M O S. , , ticularly by Mr. Amelot, who fays, " that they are quite Srei.; " different from what one would expect ; that iulkad being more concife and fententious than tin- t t, t'; . '< words of the text are always more fo than the aphonl'ii." I >' This work was published at Madrid in 1614, and was to A " nal - have been followed, as mc.ntion.ed in the kind's privilege, R; ,i. < with a Commentary, which however has never yet ap- H "P j . peared. The author compofed the whole during his impn- / fonment. He left fevcral other works which have never )U beer, printed [A], [A] i. "AdveuietiKntosal govierno ;" ^. " P. nror polificos od* efbdo." addreHed to the duke of Lerim, abnnt the Don Garcias Tcllo de Sanoovjl, beginning of the reign of Philip III, Jenifer of . n , fon-in-luv z. " El Conquiftador ;" c,.ntaininp A^rros, gjvc information of thefc m- inftrutlions r^bting to the ccn^uefls to >ju!tri r :s !u con Nicholas be ir.zde in the new worid. ';,. ALAN, ALLEN T , ALLYN (WILLIAM), cardinal-priL-/} the Roman church, was bom at Roflal in Lancnfliiie, in At!l - n - Or. 1532. In 1547, he was entered at Oriel college, Oxford, where he had for his tutor Philip Morgan, :i very famous man, and a zealous papilr. under whom he ttuJitd philo- ibphy wi;h fuch fuccefs, that he was unani no.iily cledt.'d fellow of his college in 1550; and the fame year alfo too'< ' the degree of bachelor of arts. In 1556, he wjs chofen pr;n- cj! ' cipal of" St. Mary's halj, and one of the pro&ors of the uni- veifity, being th^n but twenty- four years of age. In 155-^, he was made canon of York. .But on queen Elizabeth's ac- ceffion to the throne, he loll all hopes of preferment , and therefore, in 1560, he retired to Lo-avain in the Spanifl) Netherlands, where an Englifr. colle^'j w is erected of whicn lie became the chief fupport. Here he began to write in de- Ib. ;>- . fence of the catholic'i ; and his hrlt production was againft a piece written by bifhop Jewell, on the lubje :t or" purgatory and p r ayers for the dead. The great applicatio ) he gave to his iludies, foon brought him into a bad ft.t.- of health; and the phyiicians being of opinion that noth:;: would recover him but his native air; though Ins going England was attended with great danger; yet hi- for it in 1565. He went firft, as the doctors advifed him. in- to Lancashire; and there, without any regard to his Lfeiv, belaboured to the utmoft of his power, to propagate t. catholic religion. For tnis purpofe he V.DIC anu iJnperKd feveral little pieces ; but fo ftrict a fearch was nude after him, that he was forced to retire from that county into the neigh- bourhood