Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/16

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PREFACE. that are extant concerning them. We fhall, how- ever, notwithftanding the extent of our under- taking, and the labour and expence necefTary to the execution of it, comprize this work within Twelve volumes in octavo. In a work fo various, the materials of whicru are fo numerous, diffufed and diffimilar, we have endeavoured to felect in every inftance, what was in itfelf mod eligible ; we hope, therefore,, that, when our Readers confider what we have done, they will not withhold their approbation, upon a mere fuppofition that we might have done more. Thofe who are acquainted with the pains and attention requifite for the com- piling of great works, will readily excufe any fmall defects that may have efcaped us. The authors hope for fuccefs from the candid and judicious only, whofe recommendation it is their utrnoft ambition to obtain, as it has been their earned endeavours to merit. ADVERB